I hope everyone had a COOLish, safe, and FUN Labor Day weekend! Los Angeles has had a record-breaking relentless heat wave and despite adding extra frozen spinach and zucchini to my Morselicious Protein Shakes, this Morselist could barely keep them from completely melting before the first sip. They were more like Slushy Spinach Shakes. Say that three times quickly. 🤣
My September started with some challenging struggles. One step forward, two or three steps back,(see above photo/please send healing wishes, prayers, and smiles. Speaking of smiles…
Who or what made you smile today? How did you make someone smile today? There’s still time.
Here are a few people/things that made me smile today:
❤️My amazing Mama
🌅The gorgeous sunrise
☕My morning cup o’ joe, extra hot! (yes, even in a heat wave) 😝
📚 Molly Shannon’s Memoir, Hello, Molly!
🎥 MyHealth Coaching client, C.H.
☘️Ceiling fans and A.C.
Thanks to J for this month’s Dear Mo question.
Dear Mo,
I recently found out that I have Barrett’s Syndrome which means I can’t eat the foods I love ie. acidic, or spicy. This is a major bummer. Any ideas how to replace those food/flavor desires? Thank you. J!
Dear J,
Thank you for writing and I’m sorry for your recent diagnosis.To learn more about Barrett’s Syndrome, check out the Mayo Clinic. Believe me, as someone with extreme dietary restrictions, I completely understand your frustration, J! As with any dietary changes, I suggest taking it one step at a time and find your favorite foods that love you back. I learned to Morselfy my faves and yes, there was a big learning curve and always a time commitment. The good news is it IS manageable and the pay-off for following the diet protocol is worth it. Play with other herbs and non-spicy spices to season your foods and instead of frying your faves, try baking or broiling. Let me know how it works out.
In honor of Back-to-School and J’s “Dear Mo” question/request, here’s my plant-based, Paleo, Keto“Parmesan” Zucchini Chips recipe. These are a tasty and healthy alternative for store bought chips and a great snack for kids, too! Let me know if you make them and send photos for an extra gold star!

Mo’s “Parmesan” Baked Zucchini Chips
5 zucchini sliced into spears or rounds
1/2 cup gluten-free baking mix
1/2 cup vegan “Parmesan” cheese or nutritional yeast
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 chia-flax “eggs”
Ground black pepper optional
Chipotle powder optional
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. (Note: For crispier chips, preheat to 375 degrees F.)
In mixing bowl, combine “eggs,” oil, flour, “Parmesan” cheese and optional pepper or chipotle powder.
Slice zucchini into rounds or spears.
Toss zucchini rounds/spears into mixture until well coated.
Bake for 25-30 minutes.
Check out mo’ of my Morselicious recipes in my e-cookbooks here.
And here’s a recent testiMOnial from Bonnie regarding my health coaching. Book your free 15-minute consultation now to get a jumpstart into Fall just in time for the holidays!
Please keep sending your questions to Dear Mo and your favorite Fall/Holiday requests. Happy September!