
Hello! I’m Maura Knowles, also known as Mo, the Morselist. I’m a Certified Integrative Health Coach and CEO of Mac-n-Mo’s, a health and wellness company I created for my dear late dad, Mac, after he survived quadruple bypass surgery. My dad also had diabetes, and I have pre-diabetes, celiac disease, and several other autoimmune disorders. Additionally, I went through premature menopause. Helping people is at the heart of my mission and purpose.

As your Integrative Health Coach, I will help you build a healthier, happier, sustainable lifestyle in ALL areas of your LIFE!

Whether you're dealing with weight issues, diabetes, celiac disease, autoimmune disorders, heart health, or menopause, I’m here to help.

I will help you build a healthier, happier, sustainable lifestyle in ALL areas of your life, one morsel at a time.

A Morselicious Pie is a recipe for your full life

My coaching approach:
Using my Morselicious Pie approach, (a recipe for a full life), I will help you integrate the essential "ingredients" for your most optimal, sustainable, healthy lifestyle.
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to diet or lifestyle. EveryBODY is unique with various lifestyles, tastes, bio-individual needs, and passions.
I will work with you to create a deprivation-free, customized recipe for your full Morselicious Life Pie.

Mo’s 85/15 Rule
85% focus on eating clean, real, whole foods, and 15% wiggle room to indulge in your favorite treats. All work and no play, don't make a Morseliciously happy and healthy being nor is it sustainable.


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Mo teaching her Eat a Rainbow workshop to a room full of kids.

Are You Living a Morselicious Life? Take the quiz to find out if you are.

A Morselicious Life includes:

  • Indulging in all life offers you.
  • Giving yourself at least 20 minutes a day JUST FOR YOU.
  • Choosing tasty/real/whole foods.
  • Eating mindfully and graciously.
  • Reading labels.
  • Cutting back on sugar and sodium from processed foods.
  • Getting on your glow (preferably from at least 20 minutes of exercise every day).
  • Adding color (natural color) to your meals/plates/bowls.
  • Experimenting with new tastes, foods, experiences.
  • Laughing.
  • Spending time with loved ones daily.
  • Expressing gratitude.
  • Knowing we all have CHOICES and deciding to CHOOSE.
  • And when we make mistakes, because we will, be open to learning from them, shake it all about, do the hokey pokey and continue moving…

If you’ve dumped too many "work" ingredients and only a smidgen for self-care into your pie, then you’re cheating yourself.

EveryBODY is unique with various lifestyles, tastes, bio-individual needs, and passions. As a Certified Integrative Health Coach, I help you integrate the essential ingredients into your pie, and together we will create your most optimal, sustainable, healthy Morselicious life!

What is a Morselicious Pie?

A Morselicious Pie is a recipe for YOUR full life.  

In addition to diet, other vital pieces of the Morselicious Pie include:
  •   lifestyle
  •   relationships
  •   physical activity
  •   career
  •   passions, hobbies
  •   spirituality, whatever that means to you
  •   creative expression
  •   and the stories we tell ourselves and others.
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