
Happy October. I hope you and all of your loved ones are healthy and safe.
My heart is with everyone who has suffered great losses in Israel and I hope this month’s newsletter provides a bit of a respite, healthy outlet as we enter the holiday season.
Please read this list of organizations you may wish to support the victims of the war in Israel.
As I was grocery shopping yesterday morning wearing a tank top and shorts because it was 90 degrees outside, when what to my wondering eyes should appear; Christmas decorations adorned the aisles of ginormous bags of Halloween candy. What the heck? Fa la la, ’tis the season.
As a recovering sugar addict, the colorful, tantalizing Halloween candy triggered my salivary glands and I immediately started creating Morselicious alternatives in my mind to satisfy my childhood favorite treats; ie. Chocolate Peanut Butter cups, which, fun fact, were originally called “Penny Cups”(1928) because the creator charged a penny per cup but I digress. The minute I got home, after unpacking my groceries, of course, I made an unsweetened chocolate peanut butter protein shake that hit the spot! Last night, I smothered crunchy organic peanut butter on a 100% dark chocolate square* as I chortled to myself, “You’re chocolate got into my peanut butter.” Five points for those of you who remember the commercial from the 70s. My sister and I reenacted that commercial more times than even I can recall, and believe me, I’ve got a memory like an elephant. *Note, 100% dark chocolate is zero sugar and bitter but I love it. Try 85% if you’re trying to wean yourself off sugar, and let me know what you think.
Speaking of sugar weaning, please join me in my upcoming two-part HalloWEAN Off Sugar virtual workshop series. Or click here to add my On-Demand Sugar Weaning webinars to your cart. The workshops and webinars are chock full of hands-on, healthy tips to reduce excess sugar and include recipe ideas to satisfy your cravings sans sugar hangovers. I am also offering my Balancing a Healthy Holiday Season series. Contact me for mo’ info as there is a limited number of participants.
Dear Mo,
What do you mean by “No naked carbs?”
Therese, Tuscon, AZ
Dear Therese,
Thanks for sending your great question. No naked carbs means don’t eat carbs by themselves. It’s best to pair the unrefined carb with a clean protein and healthy fat to balance your sugar and help you feel more sated. Consider a roasted sweet potato boat or “toast” with grilled chicken and avocado. Slice the sweet potato in half and cut a thick “toast” then spread avocado and top with grilled chicken or a scrambled/poached egg. For vegans or plant-rich options, spread organic almond butter on top of the sweet potato. Almond butter is packed with protein and healthy fat.
Holiday special for you, my Morselite readers, receive my holiday e-cookbook as a free gift when you purchase a health coaching program. Send me an email with any questions at Maura.Knowles@gmail.com

October is World Menopause, Breast Cancer Awareness, World Osteoporosis Day (October 18) in addition to honoring World Arthritis Day (October 12), and Ageism Awareness Day (October 7). And, my dear late Papa’s birthday is October 28th. No doubt he’s enjoying his favorite German Chocolate Cake up there. 🙂
I hope you’ll take the time to help spread awareness for these important causes which will in some form or another affect every one of us if only through someone we love. Most of you have followed my journey, especially over the past two years and I never thought I would be affected by many of the above at such an earlyISH age. I’ll share more about my various premature health challenges in future posts including finishing menopause by age 40.
Thought for the month, which I’ll call Optimistic October: Those of us who are lucky enough to grow older are still incredibly vibrant, creative, curious, resilient, and sassy as hell despite those annoying things that may ail us.

Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? I think I found my Halloween costume this year. This adorable penguin has bad feet and thankfully, a research rescue team created a sort of cast/boot/walking shoe for his now happy feet. 🙂 Reminds me of someone I know.
For those who are interested in passing out allergy-free treats on Halloween, please be sure to learn more about The Teal Pumpkin Project.

Many kiddos of all ages will be grateful. 🙂
Wishing you a Happy Autumn, Halloween, and start to your holiday season!