July is Disability Pride Month. I love the ideas this site offers to spread awareness and honor Disability Pride. Review what each color represents. As a person with a few autoimmune diseases, I identify with the white representing silent disabilities. While these have provided several challenges, I refuse to give up hope and prefer to strive towards another Morselicious Rainbow to follow. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when finding the silver lining is not so easy. I believe the more we acknowledge and accept people with disabilities, everyone wins. Celebrating our uniqueness includes the flaws that make us beautiful.

You must check out the amazing fashionista wheelchair cover designs these two Irish sisters created for their company Izzy Wheels.

I want to dedicate this month’s post to my dear aunt, Geraldine, my dad’s oldest sister, who passed away a few days shy of her 91st birthday. She was a revered High School English teacher, then after she “retired,” she helped run a few non-profit shelters for most of her senior years,always learning and giving back. Ever since I was a little girl, she used to sing to me, “Something good is going to happen to you.” I trust she will make sure that “something good” happens soon. 🙂 This month is also my Morselicious Mama’s birthday who is still 40 years young at heart! I’m working on memorizing and plucking Happy Birthday on the ukulele to play for her. Translation: Happy Plucking Birthday.
Strumming chords is much easier than plucking notes on the uke. Wish me luck with my pluck. 🙂
Music is a vital ingredient in my Morselicious Life Pie. How are you honoring your creative well-being this month? Book your free Health Coaching Discovery Session with me or if you’re ready to start your Health & Wellness Journey, schedule now. For those who want to see my work-in-progress (mistakes and all) playing King of The Road, click here.
Here’s a quick and simple Morselicious Summer Meal idea. For vegans, substitute the wild salmon with your clean protein of choice. I added organic Brussel Sprouts, Arugula, Purple Cabbage, Jicama, Sweet Potatoes, Asparagus, and Wild Salmon with freshly squeezed lemon, extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and white pepper. Satisfyingly tasty and hearty.

Thank you for your Dear Mo questions. This month’s pick is actually a tip from a loyal Morselite which I found to be incredibly helpful.
Dear Mo
I’m so grateful for all the helpful info you’ve shared and I wanted to share a tip I recently learned from a Chinese Medicine Doctor for good energy blood flow. Tap your arm up and down a number of times for better blood flow and energy. Bonus flow for gentle face tapping. Try it and let me know what you think.
– TT
Dear TT,
Thank you so much for your Tap Tip. I’ve been doing this daily since you emailed me.
I look forward to your questions and tips.
Here’s to a healthy and fun July!
Hi there, Maura.
I learned these tapping techniques when I lived in China. Make a fist, lift the middle finger up a bit, and use that finger to tap the INSIDE of your arm. For the face use the tips of your fingers to gently tap. I found the face tapping helps release stress and is soothing.
I’m sorry for the loss of your Aunt.
Thank you so much, Julie!
Looking forward to face tapping.
Please keep your comments and tips coming.