A New Year, The Perfect Time To Reboot!
First of all, I hope 2024 is treating you splendidly!
Now that Dry January is coming to an end, have you noticed any positive changes or habits you’ve made and stuck with so far? We know that alcohol contains a lot of sugar which causes lethargy, inflammation, weight gain, and haphazard blood sugar levels to name a few which leads me to invite you to my next “Beat Your Sugar Addiction” workshop co-hosted by Denise Pines, founder of Wisepause Wellness.
This will not be a lecture nor will I reprimand you for eating and loving sugar. It’s a drug and as a former sugar addict who is constantly creating Morselicious recipe modifications to curb and satisfy my sweet tooth, I will provide hands-on tools and tips to ease or wean you off the sugar addiction rollercoaster.
This is one of my favorite programs to teach and there will be a Q&A for you to ask your pressing sugar questions. If you can’t make this event, you can book me for your next event or private health coaching.
One question I’d like you to consider is, “What do you want to gain from reducing your sugar consumption?” Feel free to send me your questions and I will do my best to address them as they come in.
One of my readers asked me to expand on the idea I presented a few months ago about “Mindful Indulgences,” I thought this month would be the ideal time for us to consider what that means to each of us.
As part of my health coaching approach, we must understand that we are bio individuals.
No one diet works for everyBODY; however, the one area we can all improve is reducing our sugar intake.
Here are the details for the workshop:
Overcome post-holiday sugar cravings. Eating sugary foods regularly can make you crave them more often. Join Health Coach, Maura Knowles as she helps us break the sugar addiction one bite at a time.
WisePause Wellness Monthly Lifestyle Series
Join LIVE Thursday, Jan. 25th, Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87415661833…