A red bowl full of mini donut treats in front of a bag of Mac-n-Mo's Morselicious Keto and Paleo-friendly Mix for Baking and Cooking.

August 19 2021

Winding Down & Gearing Up

Happy End-of-Summer, Sunny Morselites! 🌞 Are you cooking up some fun outdoor activities as Labor Day peeks around the corner? This summer has been a beautiful blend of family, healing, […]
Photo of Mo in a red apron on a flyer for her Morselicious Summer Series Workshop.

July 5 2021

Redefining Your Life (Morselicious Pie 🥧)

Happy 5th of July! 🎇 I hope your 4th was spangled with sparklers of love! Were you able to reunite with your loved ones? Did you enjoy your favorite tradition? […]
Mo and her dad Mac posing side by side in the kitchen.

June 10 2021

In Loving Memory of My Papa, Mac

In Loving Memory of My Papa, Mac   Hello, dear Morselites, and thank you again for the love and support you’ve given me this past month in regards to my […]

May 5 2021

Celiac Awareness Month

  🎶 It’s May! It’s May! It’s Morselicious May! 🎶     May is Celiac Awareness Month. 💚  Please show your support by learning the facts and sharing them with others. Celiac […]
White text reads: Happy St. Patrick's Day! with a photo of Mo overlayed with the word Slainté!

March 15 2021

Morselicious Marchin’ Jigs & Pies

Top o' the mornin' to ye! 🎩 Happy St. Patrick's Day ☘️, show me your green. Post a photo of the green you're eating and/or wearing in the comments below. Who's up for dancing a jig with me as we continue to March this National Nutrition Month?
Grab your slice of the Morselicious Pie. Photo of Mo holding a slice of pie next to her Morselicious baking and cooking mix.

January 5 2021

2021, the Year to Create Your Morselicious Pie!

Happy New Year, Morselites! Cheers to you for soaring into a New Year! The best time to make a fresh start, a blank canvas to create new goals, choices, and […]

December 22 2020

Merry Morselicious Holidays

Wishing you and yours a Merry Morselicious Holiday. Thank you for your incredible support. I am grateful! Cheers to 2021! xo, Mo ☘️
A colorful collage of the words 'Thank you' in multiple languages.

November 25 2020

Happy Morselicious Thanksgiving!

Happy Morselicious Thanksgiving! Wishing you and your loved ones a safe, healthy and happy holiday season. xo, Mo

November 11 2020

The Gift of Morselicious Healing

Boosting and maintaining our immune system including reducing inflammation is vital to our health, especially this time of year not to mention the collective chronic stress many of us have […]

October 6 2020

The Season to Turn Over a New Leaf

Happy October and what a start we’ve had! Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, cozy or cool one, depending on where you are in the world. We’re still in a heatwave […]
The word "Pause" in all caps on a sage green background with a darker green border.

September 8 2020

A good time to Pause.

News Update! The Morselist is changing to Monthly Tasty Tidbits Tuesday posts. Hope you had a Morseliciously cool and safe Labor Day weekend. In Los Angeles, we’ve had a record-breaking […]

August 2 2020

New Month, New Courses, New Recipe

August is Kids Eat Right Month AND the 5th month of Coronatine but who’s counting? Joking aside, I am grateful for the safety and health of my loved ones and hope […]
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