March 27 2011

Are the Airline Food Police punishing us?

On a very recent flight from Burlington, Vermnont to Philadelphia, PA to Los Angeles (LAX) a total of 12 hours at airports & cramped planes, I found myself asking this […]

March 20 2011

Regrets? No way!

“I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done. “- Lucille Ball This quote screamed loud and clear and from my favorite comedienne! How often […]

March 17 2011

The Irish & their grub

And a Top O’ the mornin’ to ya! Faith and Begorrah! When I was 11 years old, my parents took my sister and I to Ireland to visit our family’s […]

March 14 2011

Happy Birthday, Ken!

Guess who’s going to get his AARP card in the mail?  The perpetually perfect, all-American boy wonder Barbie Ken hit the big 5-0 on March 11. I was shocked and […]

March 13 2011

Spring Forward!

It’s that time of year again.  While we lose an hour of sleep (boo), we gain an extra hour of daylight (yea)!   What will you do with the extra […]

Cookies vs. Morsels

We’ve all seen the ads for Price Comparison Shopping on clothing. How about Nutritional Comparison between so called “healthier” cookies and Mac-n-Mo’s Morsels? This Morselist went on a Bakery Shopping […]

ANDI Top 10 Foods by Department (Whole Foods)

The ANDI Top 10 Foods list is available at your local Whole Foods and can be kept in your wallet as a great grocery shopping guide. This Morselist found the […]

Fat Tuesday Confession

During high school & college, every Fat Tuesday, my sister, friends and I would celebrate Fat Tuesday by baking, cooking & shopping for our favorite BINGE foods. Committing one of the […]

Excavate,embrace & express change…

What if you made a pact with yourself to make an attempt..just an attempt to try something new every week? Making a fun game out of it is how I […]

Are you innovative?

Do you satisfy your cravings in a creative  or innovative manner? Or do you settle for the same ol’ humdrum (yes, I said “humdrum”) or “not so good for you” […]

It always seems impossible until it’s done..

Nelson Mandela quoted so eloquently…that spoke volumes to me today when I read it.  “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” So true.  Today Mac-n-Mo’s moved into the Freezer Aisle […]

February 27 2011

Brrrr…it’s chilly! What gifts do you have?

“Everyone is gifted. Some of us have not opened our present yet.” Yesterday, it snowed in Los Angeles! There are few things I never dreamed…1) snow in L.A. & 2) […]
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