June 11 2011

Food & Medicine

“Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” -Hippocrates Just think about this quote. Some skeptics argue, “All this talk about food affecting health is such […]

June 10 2011

Success & Obstacles

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he (she) has overcome.” -Booker T. Washington 1856-1915 […]

June 9 2011

Be the solution…

Life will always present obstacles, challenges…PROBLEMS. We’ve all learned that. The big question is how can we SOLVE the problem? Or maybe the bigger question is changing our thinking that […]

June 8 2011

Just ask

“Ask and you shall receive,” the famous adage simply states. My mom and dad had their own take and drilled it into my every pore. “If you don’t ask, the […]

June 7 2011

The Morsel-LIST Favorite Blogs, Sites & Tips

Much like “raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,”  this Morselist has promised to share her favorite things with her favorite readers. And yes, SOUND OF MUSIC is my FAVORITE […]

June 6 2011


The dictionary defines consistency as follows: – steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior. – agreement, harmony, or compatibility, especially […]

June 5 2011

It’s mo’ easy bein’ green…

My aunt, Jo Jo and I had a few things in common with Kermit the Frog. The first, our nicknames were Froggy. The second, we LOVED green. Third, one of […]

June 4 2011

Mac-n-Mo’s Morselist Event O’ the day:

We’re gearing up for today’s AWESOME GREEN CITY FAIR at TREEPEOPLE in Beverly Hills, CA Please stop by and say “hi!”

June 3 2011

Learning from our mistakes

“If you’ve never made a mistake, you’ve never tried something new.” How dull would life be if we never tried something new? I make mistakes daily. Yes, it’s frustrating and […]

June 2 2011

Do walk your walk or just talk the talk?

People may doubt what you say, but they’ll believe what you do. Remember my blog about lessons I learned via my “Lil” Sis via her lil’ sis and my teaser […]

June 1 2011

Morselist Tip O’ the day: Enthusiasm

Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Remember this when the Negative Nellies try to get you down by laughing at your joie de vivre. Imagine […]

May 31 2011

Morselicious Tip & Challenge O’the day:Eat Fresh

Hope everyone had a Morselicious Memorial Day Weekend and took a moment to pause and honor our Veterans. Gearing up for a lovely 4-day work week, let’s try a new […]
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