
May Flowers, in Memory of my dad, Mac

🎶It’s May! It’s May! It’s Morselicious May! So many reasons to celebrate! Mother’s Day, Celiac Awareneness Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, Memorial Day leads us into summer!

It’s also the one-year anniversary since my dear dad, Mac, passed away which is hard to believe, not a day goes by when I don’t think of him, see signs in ladybugs, butterflies, roses, his favorite foods, and find myself smiling at something I know he would love. And, yes, I do talk to him. ☘️Fun tasty tidbit; a swarm of ladybugs is called lovelies. A perfect name, indeed. 🐞 I LOVE you, Papa!


On the topic of Mental Health Awareness and Integrative Health, I can’t stress enough the power that a healthy mind has in order create a healthy body. Clients often come to me with weight loss as at least one of their goals. For many of them, simply choosing healthier foods isn’t enough so we work on the other areas of their life in order to get to a healthy mindset. And, wonder of wonders, the weight usually melts away. Does this resonate with you?

I’m honored to partner with Revel, the incredible women’s group, teaching my Morselicious Sugar-Weaning, Eat A Rainbow, Morseliscious Life Pie & other health & wellness workshops.

Rainbow Chard

What are you looking forward to this month? Summer plans? Vacation? Favorite foods?

Here are a few healthy outdoor summer BBQ ideas:

Grilled Jicama or Rainbow Chard Seafood Tacos (if your vegan, omit the fish)

Grilled veggie kabobs

Host a themed potluck around your favorite book or movie

And now, onto this month’s Dear Mo question from Kristine.

Q. Dear Mo, I’ve been extremely good at reducing my sugar and eating more real food with healthy fats but now that my job has us back in the office, I am faced with people constantly bringing coffee cakes, donuts, and cupcakes. I always pack carrots and hummus but can’t stop myself from indulging in a donut or cupcake.HELP!

A. Ah, Kristine, I feel your pain, believe me. I call them the “evil donut bringers.” In this case the quote, “if you can’t fight ‘em, join ‘em, doesn’t work.” My suggestion/solution is to arm yourself with your own arsenal of healthier, satisfying opitons. If I’m faced with a plethora of sweets, hummus and carrots would not cut it. I always pack my meal and some kind of no to low sugar Morseliciously satisfying treats. Some days, it’s dark chocolate with a small jar of almond butter or homemade Morselicious chocolate almond bars, or coconut morsels with a container or bag of lightly salted cashews. Do you see where I’m going with this? Arm yourself with like-for-like satisfaction and set yourself up for tasty success.

A reminder from last month’s Dear Mo column:

Be sure to include fiber, healthy fat, and protein to every meal to maintain steadier blood sugar levels and satisfy your sweet preference without the extra sugar.

Send your questions for Mo at Book your free 20-minute Health Coaching consultation. Book a group workshop and consider your office so we can teach those evil donut bringers a few Morselicious options. 😆

Morselicious Chocolate Chip Treats

Morselicious chocolate chip balls.

Gift Ideas:
Check out my new on-demand webinar courses, and downloadable printables:

Mo’s Meal Planning & Grocery Store Lists

The Morselist’s Emergency Preparedness List (FREE)

🎁My workshops are also ideal for small groups, office, companies…Give the gift of self care with:

Pumpkin and Holiday e-cookbooks.

Gift Certificates.

A group workshop.

Customized recipes.

On-demand workshops/webinars.

Share your photos/videos on my Facebook page or tag me on Instagram!
Le Petit Bouquet


Xo, Mo ☘️
Book a FREE consultation!

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