MORSELICIOUS savings & Minty Cocoa Balls recipe

Who’s excited about the holidays, Cyber MORSELICIOUS Monday and Day 4 of MORSELICIOUS Savings?

There are ONLY 7 mo’ days to place your HOLIDAY ORDER! I can’t believe how quickly this season is flying! I really can’t!!!  Pinch me…or, better yet, please leave your comments below with any tips you want to share regarding how you survive & thrive this time o’ year! December 10th is the holiday deadline, so be sure to get your MORSELICIOUS jingle bells on! 🙂

If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to my new YOUTUBE channel.

I am having so much fun making these videos and forever grateful to my #MORSELICOUS team & elves for their input, expertise, creativity & support:  Saundre’, Kiira, Tiana, Ashley, Allison, Cabrina, Reece, Seana & my Mama. Thanks a million morsels!

Mac-n-Mo's luggage or gift tag

Enjoy my MORSELICIOUS MINTY COCOA Balls recipe-video with the fabulous Blender Girl, Tess Masters.

I am LOVING the process of creating  MORSELICOUS recipes for you.

Some of you amazing MORSELITE’s have blown me away with your photos and suggestions. One Morselite just sent me Mac-n-Mo’s luggage tags & laminated gift cards, which she is attaching to her holiday gifts this year.

What a MORSELICIOUS idea! All of you make my days, weeks, months, mission TOTALLY worth it!  Thank you & please keep your ideas coming! MORSELFY your holidays.

Mega MORSEL thanks to ALL of you!!! 😉

2 thoughts on “MORSELICIOUS savings & Minty Cocoa Balls recipe”

  1. Thanks so much Mo for the shout out! We all believe in Mac-n-Mo’s and I have become more knowledgeable about taking control of my health and making #Morselicious meals as a result of knowing/working with you! You are the best!

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