Trick or Treat?

BOO!!!    Halloween is less than two weeks away. Who’s excited?  As a kid, I LOOOVED dressing up and Trick-or-Treating. Alright, full disclosure, I still LOVE it!  A few hours before dark, Mom would give my sister and I our tried and true plastic pumpkins to carry our candy booty. I remember the excitement as we paraded down our sidewalk with the neighborhood kids and their parents, sharing which houses gave the BEST treats!  We knew we hit the Jack-‘0 -lantern -jack- pot when we arrived at the house with the stuffed scarecrow and his basket filled with full sized peanut butter cups!!! The sign read, “Take  ONE, if you DARE!”  

We were afraid to test our luck and grab more, but the temptation…I mean, come on! Peanut butter AND chocolate! What better combo, right?  My sister and I would pretend we were in the commercial where the two people bump into each other with their respective jar of peanut butter and a chocolate bar.  Who remembers it? We rehearsed that commercial over and over for artistic perfection, of course, or until we got tummy aches.

Me:  “YOUR chocolate got into MY peanut butter.”

My sister:  “Well, YOUR peanut butter got into MY chocolate!”

Action:  Decide to taste. Devour and proclaim,

Both:  “Mmmm!…TASTES GREAT!”

See how well we rehearsed that?  After all these years, forever embedded into my brain and taste memory! 🙂  Now that I’ve pretty much weaned off sugar, I’ve created many Morselicious alternatives, like my Morselicious  Peanut Butter Cocoa – iced or hot, depending on my mood or craving.

Cacao PB Shake
Cacao PB Shake

And because I ADORE all of my Morselite’s, here’s one mo’ MORSELICIOUS cacao peanut butter crispy treat. Of course, I would be remiss, if I didn’t mention Mac-n-Mo’s Morselicious Mix and Treats for a low-sugar, no sodium, gluten-free, vegan, no gmo treat.


I can’t take credit for the other two photos, but had to share how adorably clever and spooky healthy they are!

The green onion fingers is a fun way to answer the door when you’re passing out treats. Photo credit by Julie C., an amazing MORSELITE!


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Processed with VSCOcam with 6 preset

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