Healthy Detox tips-MORSELICIOUS style

Are you READY for a Lean, Green, Protein MORSELICIOUS DETOX Smoothie?

Now that the sugary-filled treats are polished off, the holiday decorations are put away, let’s keep some holiday cheer throughout the year.  🙂

Hope you had a wonderful holiday season!

Try my Lean, Green Protein Smoothie  (video above) and let me know how you like.  Better yet, please subscribe to my You Tube Channel and tell your friends.  I welcome your suggestions and ideas for MO’ videos!

This is my Morseliciously tasty, nutrition packed “go-to” meal  to start my mornings and who doesn’t want to start their New Year with real food while detoxing?

Contact me today for your FREE tele-health coaching session to get started on your path to a LEAN, GREEN, CLEAN machine lifestyle.

Reminder for my Morselicious Monthly Recipe Club members and for those wanting to sign up. Another great way to start your New Year on a healthy path.

EXCITING news!  The Huffington Post featured an article about yours truly by Ellen Dolgen, author of Menopause Mondays.  

Thank you to ALL of my amazing MORSELITE’s for a MORSELICIOUSly fantastic 2013!  One of my biggest highlights – we finally got to Machu Picchu, Peru and it exceeded all of my expectations! (It also kicked my Morselicious buns!) 🙂

Please share some of your highlights by commenting below.

Wishing all of you MORSELITE’s a prosperously healthy 2014!

Morselicious hugs from Peru!  xoxo!

4 thoughts on “Healthy Detox tips-MORSELICIOUS style”

  1. Happy New Year, Mo!

    That article in the Huffington Post is fabulous! Congratulations!

    Your recipe book helped saved me over the holidays, especially being able to bring morselicious treats I baked with your mix to my in-laws house, so I would be able to indulge in a healthy way. Thank you so much!

    All the best to you in 2014!



    1. Thanks a million morsels, Jill!
      You have made my day!!! This is exactly what I had hoped would inspire and help people like you through the holidays and every day.
      Thank you, too, for all of your comments, feedback and photos!
      Happy MORSELICIOUS Monday and 2014!

  2. Happy 2014!!! After watching your “Green Smoothie” youtube video, I immediately ran to the kitchen to make me one (Well, I actually had to go to the store to get the ingredients..but then I promptly made it upon returning home! Lol)! I want to get healthier for 2014 so, I am going to join your recipe club. I need some tips on making meals that get me towards a LEAN, GREEN, and CLEAN machine lifestyle.

    1. Thanks a million morsels, Denise!

      This makes me so happy and proud of your MORSELICIOUS start to 2014!
      I’m thrilled to have you as a new MORSELICIOUS MONTHLY RECIPE CLUB Member!
      Looking forward to hearing mo’ from you!


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