MORSELICIOUS MONDAY: Lessons learned from little’s and a lil’ Sound of Music…


Remember a few months ago when I wrote a post

about things my “Little” sister taught me? Click above POST to refresh your memory.
This is my “Little” sis from Big Brothers Big Sisters.

We have been together for over 7 years and she is now 14 going on 15!

(Which is different from 16 going on 17 like the song in
The Sound of Music.) Click above link to sing along . 🙂

AMAZING and what a gift she has been in my life.

We had a date this past weekend and I took her

to a Middle Eastern Vegetarian Feast.

She LOVED everything we tasted and we both decided on

falafels, hummus, baba ganoush, mixed greens with tahini dressing...


After her first couple of bites, Meni

grinned, “this is so tasty and unique…a real adventure in food..kind of like us.”

As she threw her arms up in an animated way to make her

point, I noticed a beautiful new silver ring on her finger and I asked

to see it. It was inscribed:


I told her I LOVED the ring and its message.

She removed the ring to show me it was inscribed with the same

message inside the ring, too.

Double the power, we agreed. 🙂

I asked her what the message meant to her.

She replied, “I’m content with everything in my life right now.”
I asked her if there was ONE thing she could have different, what would it be?

She said, “Nothing. I’m really really happy.”

This coming from a 14 1/2 year old!

Can we all say this honestly?

Talk about lessons we could ALL learn from our

“Little’s,” no matter what the age.

Do you have a lesson learned from your little?
PLEASE share your comments and have  MORSELICIOUS Monday!



23 thoughts on “MORSELICIOUS MONDAY: Lessons learned from little’s and a lil’ Sound of Music…”

  1. Ditto on all the comments above. You are both so very blessed to have each other, as we all are to have you, Mo! My grandchildren never fail to amaze me. My oldest (19) is a force to be reckoned with, yet his ego is not in the way of voicing a fear or shortcoming or recognizing someone superior to him in either brain or brawn. I know each generation surpasses the last, and it is a beautiful thing to experience it first hand. I LOVE THE LIFE I’M LIVING, and live in amazement of all that is.

  2. I love this! Thank you for posting.

    I also have to say what a lucky little girl she is for having YOU in her life! After knowing both of you for so many years now, it’s difficult to know who is teaching/inspiring/learning from who (whom?) anymore. You guys are such a great pair. I’m going to have to write down Love the Life You Live – I’m working on that one!!

  3. That is so sweet!

    It took me until I reached 48 to express that same sentiment. Lucky young lady. I truly hope that she can hold on to that feeling!

  4. That brought tears to my eyes! What a wise girl at such a young age.
    Kids can teach us so much about life. I work with very young kids, ages birth to 5 and they wow me everyday!
    If I ever go in and have any worries on my mind the minute I see their smiling excited faces my worries are gone.
    Kids live in the moment and we could all try to do that more, well I know I can. Thanks Maura~ Kym

  5. oh, my goodness! how awesome is SHE? much love to your little sister! may she keep rockin’ that attitude throughout her life. thanks for sharing that little morsel of positivity!

  6. I can’t imagine a 14-year old saying that! Usually you hear, “I want [insert latest electronic devices here]”!!! She’s a very lucky and blessed little girl!! I just printed out “Love the life you live” and tacked it up on my board. Thanks for sharing Mo!

  7. Maura–such a sweet person your Little Sister is–and how lucky she is to have you for support!
    We are back, and Jennie & Melissa said to tell you “hi”!

  8. WOW! Your ‘lil sister is so WISE! Some people spend their entire lives trying to ascertain to that inscription!
    Thanks for sharing your post with us.. if a 15 year old can get it… so should the rest of us right?

      1. Agreed! One lesson I learned from my daughter was a long time ago. She asked me if working was fun. At the time I ws not having fun at what I was doing. So I went back to school. And now that she is 18 and ready to go off to college, we had that same conversation. And I told her to do what makes her want to get out of bed in the morning… have fun, be passionate and the money will just come!
        Thanks for sharing your post!

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