Happy FFF Fun & Flexible Friday!!!
Yea for the Weekend!
What are you doing for Fun? MO the MORSELIST has a new page on Facebook.
Please visit & “LIKE” her (if you do)
And, for my Orange County Morselites-
Mother’s Market in Santa Ana AND Costa Mesa
have graciously agreed to put Mac-n-Mo’s
so please STOCK UP!!!
Please keep your amazing questions coming
for Registered Dietitian, Lauren O’Connor!
We LOOOOVE your questions & we LOOOVE Lauren! Q:
A: My initial response would be that drinking steadily over time
(whether 1 or more glasses a day) is preferable to binging.
Shocking the body is never good and over-consumption
all in one full swoop is quite a doozy.
Some people have great resistance to alcohol that has built up over the years.
That being said, I would never recommend alcohol
and lean toward the man with a more conservative habit of 1 of glass of alcohol per day.
I’d rather suggest a drink on occasion in moderation
(the amount depending on the sex and the individual,
although I’m inclined to say stick to 4-5 oz of red wine).
Yes, I am conservative.
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans defines
“moderate consumption” as up to 1 glass a day for woman;
2 glasses a day for men.
(Each glass equiv. to 5 oz wine, or 12 oz beer, or 1.5 oz distilled spirit.)
Research has shown benefit in moderate alcohol consumption
for those who already drink (notably red wine’s antioxidant resveratrol,
but also that moderate consumption of other alcohols can also
provide heart-healthy benefits such as lowered stress levels
and increased HDL (good) cholesterol).
But there are other ways to improve your heart-health without added toxins
– namely consumption of a plant-based diet (providing nutrient-dense foods, rich in antioxidants).
We all know the George Burns phenomenon – smoking ’til age 100
but that doesn’t mean we’ll all be so lucky.
One more word to the wise:
Just because your body is tolerant of a food/substance, doesn’t mean you can abuse it.
And often we don’t intend do overdo it, but often our intake is greater than we think.
As with any bad-for-you food, be-it greasy fries or a hot fudge sundae,
the things that you put into your body on a consistent basis can and do add up if you aren’t careful.
They may lead to serious consequences affecting our liver and/or heart-health,
not to mention diabetes and other conditions.
Think cholesterol build-up and hardening of the arteries.
It doesn’t happen overnight.
And let’s not forget that alcohol not only has a relatively high caloric value
(7.1 calories per gram vs carbs at 4.5 calories per gram –
though fat is a bit higher at 9 calories per gram).
Alcohol also lowers your inhibitions which can lead to increased drinking
and the munchies and thus excess calories/potential for weight gain.
Remember the breakdown of alcohol leaves toxins to the body
which can affect your organs and immunity.
Read Beyond Hangovers* for a thorough explanation of alcohol’s impact on your health.
Potential consequences of alcohol abuse include:
So keep it conservative, practice moderation and enjoy on occasion.
Lauren O’Connor, MS, RD is a registered dietitian
and owner/nutritional consultant for Nutri-Savvy.
Her approach and motto: “Savor, Taste and Enjoy…Nutrition”.
She focuses on building healthy values and choosing a wide variety of foods,
allowing for all foods – even sweets, in moderation.
O’Connor is a member of the American Dietetic Association (ADA).
As a nutritional expert, she’s contributed to various online media including
abcnews, everydayhealth, iVillage, Shine by yahoo,
Shape, LivingInThin, FitSugar and Multiples&More.
For more info. about Lauren O’Connor and her Services,
please visit: http://nutrisavvysblog.wordpress.com