Happy WW Work it out Wednesday!
What are YOU working out today?
This article just came out in OUR USA MAGAZINE with a cute pix of
me and Dad (Mac-n-Mo) and I wanted to share: (GREAT MAGAZINE, by the way!)
The Morselist is ON FIRE working and
creating MO’ recipes with her MORSELICIOUS MIX
and since many of you have requested a Seafood Recipe,
I’ve created a WILD SALMON MORELICIOUS CAKE with Cashew Cream Aioli.
HOLY MOLY AIOLI! (that kind of rhymes)
I’m having a BLAST playing with all the things I can make…
I wish we could have a MORSELIST PARTY!
Special note:
It has been brought to my attention that some of you
may NOT like Coconut Milk and I use it in MOST of my recipes.
I always try to suggest using your preference of milk, protein, veggies..
be creative. I usually use what I have and I’m a huge fan of Coconut Milk
because of it’s neutral flavor and health benefits, but I would LOVE
you to use my recipes as a base and create your own favorite versions.
And, please SHARE with us!!!
My goal is to provide a LOW SODIUM/LOW SUGAR/GLUTEN FREE/
VEGANISH Type Recipe…the rest is up to you…
And, please keep your questions coming in for Registered Dietitian, Lauren!
2 cans Wild Alaskan Salmon *
1.5 tsp Dijon Mustard
2 chopped Green Onion
1/4 C chopped Cilantro
1/4 of chopped Jalepeno Pepper (or less if that’s too spicy)
Black Pepper (to taste)
a couple leaves of fresh Basil
2 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar
Juice of 1 Fresh Lemon
Dill (optional) – I used 1 tsp
1/4 C Morselicious Mix
Mix together in patty cakes (sorry, couldn’t refuse)
Pan fry in Coconut Oil
Serve over Mixed Greens or Kale
and top with
Cashew Cream Aioli:
Cashew Cream
fresh lemon juice
*For those who do not eat Fish, try this with mixed veggies/spinach/beans/ nuts/seeds…
it’s DELISH and I will post that recipe next week…(yes, I’m working on a cookbook)
Makes 8 Cakes
YES, great point, Amy!
I always buy UNSWEETENED, too.
Will ask Lauren to compare milks…great question!
i’m really loving the coconut milk since you turned me onto it. it has more body than other nut/soy milks. the flavor is REALLY mild and i think it might even be better nutritionally than some of the other milks (something to ask the nutritionist about). i always buy unsweetened. so, your readers need to be careful to buy the right thing. we can always add a sweetener.
Thanks, Amy!
I’m working on it! Still would love to find a publisher!
i cannot wait for the cookbook. i’m tired of printing out all the exciting recipes….creating too much clutter!!!!
Thanks, Jill!
Let me know if you try!
this sounds soooo good!
Here to say that the wild salmon cakes were so so so good. I am very lucky to have first shot at all the new Morselcious meals.
And, I’m lucky to have as my Taste Tester!
Thanks, Karen! 🙂 Yes, it is a great magazine!
Another yummy recipe! Congrats on being in OUR USA..it is a good magazine!