TT Gluten Free Health Coach & Pancake Recipe

Happy Tasty Tuesday!!
Daniel Primo, is a Health Coach and focuses on
Gluten Free Living.
Primo shared his story with me so I could
share with all Morselist Readers.
Since I was a young child I had various health issues, especially gut related.
I remember getting very ill several times from foods I ate.
I also had a very difficult time managing my weight.
I remember always being tired and lethargic.
Allergies and light sensitivity really bothered me.
These challenges affected my self esteem and
my adventurousness was often squelched.
My mother and grandmother were very health conscious,
I think mainly because they suffered many of the health challenges that I did.
So I recall learning many of the folk remedies and holistic treatments
they brought back with them from our country of birth, Costa Rica.
These “alternatives” were actually the norm for me and
I never thought twice about boiling some
weird grain or weed to drink as a soothing tea.
I had always had an interest in the sciences, especially biomedical studies.
I spent two summers at UC Berkeley studying biomed and other life sciences.
However, at that time medical school seemed too daunting and expensive for me.
I opted to travel first and then study business.
But my health issues continued to drive
my interest in feeling better and relieving my symptoms.
I finally found a nutrition certificate program where I started my trek
in studying holistic health and integrative medicine.
I also have a very close friend who has been a mentor and inspiration to me.
She is a chiropractor and holistic healer out of Los Angeles.
I still call her for advice and encouragement.
My studies have not ended as I continue to reach
towards the higher level and am now
finishing a Master’s of Science in Clinical Nutrition.
I trust it will not end there.
I had been studying nutrition for about 3 years when I finally discovered
I suffer from an autoimmune condition
and Celiac Disease (a complication of gluten sensitivity).
Thankfully one of my professors at JFKU
uncovered the final missing pieces to my health puzzle.
Autoimmunity is very complicated and there is no known cure for these conditions.
But healthy lifestyle choices and proper nutrition have brought me
to a much healthier place then I think I have ever been.
And this has been my main driving force in sharing my knowledge
and personal experience with these issues.
I focus my practice on those with similar chronic conditions
to help them dramatically improve their health.
But one of the most important things I’ve learned is that
it takes knowledge first and then time for us
to change our old ways and for the new ways to become habit.
So I practice patience with my clients.
If I can convince their mind first, I believe their actions will slowly but surely follow.
I also like to show my clients how to take the same foods they are used to
and make them healthier and more nutrient dense by replacing some of the ingredients.
One of the tips with the most impact is to make your own dressings and sauces.
Most store bought and restaurant versions use unhealthy oils and additives.
I’ve often traveled with my own olive oil dressing or homemade mayonnaise.
Also replacing overly refined table salt with mineral rich sea salts is easy to do.
I encourage my clients that have to have sweetener in their drinks
to bring packets of stevia with them when they eat out.
The key is to always be prepared.
I am a firm believer that we are the authors of our own health or diseases.
And I now know that our bodies have an innate desire to be healthy.
Given the proper tools and ingredients,
we can all experience better health and better quality of life.
I’m committed to learning all that I can about the
building blocks we need to enjoy optimal health, or what I call Primo Health!

Daniel Sanelli (aka Primo) | Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach 

Almond Meal Pancake Recipe
Ingredients:* 1 cup almond flour
* 2 eggs
* 1/4 cup water (for
puffier pancakes, you can use sparkling water)
* 2 T oil
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 1 T sweetenerPreparation:
Mix ingredients together and cook as you would other pancakes. I like
to use a nonstick pan with a little oil. The only real difference is
that they won’t “bubble” on top the same way as regular pancakes. Flip
them when the underside is brown.
Do you have ANY questions for Primo regarding Gluten Sensitivity?
Please post and share!

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