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Q: What’s all the hype on SENSA?
Is it safe?
A: “Safe, Easy, Natural Weight Loss”: This is how SENSA is marketed. And isn’t that just what you want to hear to quell any sense of fear (remember those ill-fated consequences that followed certain weight loss drugs – EPHEDRA ring a bell?)
The satisfaction of SENSA is that it helps control your appetite through a tasteless blend of “sprinkles” which includes Maltodextrin. If you remember from one of our prior Q&A’s,Maltodextrin is SUGAR! Do you really need more? And just because it contains Silica, a “metabolic booster” naturally found in leafy greens and whole grains, doesn’t mean SENSA is good for you. Remember our Q&A re: isolated proteins? Why not eat these heart-healthy whole foods (and make it a larger part of your diet) instead?
Instead of relying on a substance blend, you can learn to control your appetite by:
- eating sensibly,
- eating the right combination of foods (plant foods are rich in fiber that helps control appetite), and
- weaning yourself off excess sweets and salty foods which, BTW, tend to stimulate the appetite.
Whether or not it is safe, consider the satisfaction of working toward a healthier lifestyle and your weight loss goals without the aide of any substance. Guaranteed results may be your M.O., but having to relying on SENSA or any appetite suppressor, diet pill, etc…should not be your answer. Studies show that weight loss and good health can be achieved through a wide variety of plant foods, eating less red meat, less unhealthy fats, less added sugars and overall relying more on whole foods verses an excess of highly processed foods.
And remember you can safety lose weight by consuming 500 less calories per day for an average of 1 lb a week. Here are some ways to lighten your load:
- Skip that extra latte or go easy on the “milk”: consume 1 less glass of milk, or alternative milk – the amount typically used in a single latte (lowfat milk and alternatives generally range from 100 – 120 cal, regular milk about 160 cal) – Skip that extra latte. Cut your order in half (8 oz vs a 16 oz size, or drink 4oz vs 8 oz); and drink it only once a day vs multiple times.
- Go easy on the bread: Truth be told Americans consume far too much bread which not only adds in on calories, but ups the sodium content of daily intake. Did you know bread is the top salt culprit – a major contributor to excess sodium to our diets? 1 less piece of bread can save you 80-100 calories.
- Trim the fat: Cutting the excess fat in your recipes (1 tsp oil vs 1 TBS can save you 80 calories) so you can use less on your salads and less when you cook. Use salt free seasonings such as garlic, onion and various spices and choose citrus to help flavor your meals without the sodium, without the sugar and without the extra fat. But do note that, while we don’t want to OVERDO fat, healthy fats are essential to our diets. Check out this post on Separating FAcT from Fiction
- Set your portions: Sticking to controlled portions (many consume over 1 cup spaghetti at a meal vs 1/2 cup portion size – excess pasta portions can add up to 200 extra calories or more).
- Go half-sies to make it larger?: Instead of a full plate of pasta, you can eat 1 cup’s worth of veggie-filled spaghetti so that half the amount is actually vegetables with not only visually makes your plate a little fuller, more satisfying but includes heart-healthy fiber which will help keep you fuller longer.
- Lose a tooth – your “sweet tooth”, that is (or just keep it under control): Consuming a little portion of sweets (once in a while is one thing), but a daily “addiction” can easily pack on the pounds and keep you reaching for more. Eating more plant foods provides fiber for satiety and healthy vits/minerals, antioxidants to keep your body healthfully fueled, more energized physically and mentally without the “sugar-crash”
Lauren O’Connor, MS, RD
Great post Mo! Sensa sounds insane—following your tips will bring the weight off safely!
Great post, Mo! A big thanks to you and Lauren for being such a wonderful resource for those of us struggling to learn how to be healthy.
New Question: I have just recently gone gluten-free and dairy free, (never did eat red meat and have long been trying to reduce sugar and fats) and have been told by my gastroenterologist to stick to low-residue foods in the early part of the day. ( I find I cannot eat apples, onions or tomatos without stomach problems). I need portable foods for long days away from home. Any suggestions?
Great question, Tara!
Do you like hummus and celery/carrots/jicama?
Do you like to cook? I have a MORSELICIOUS recipe for an eggplant dip.
Mo’ to come!
Thanks, Mo! I do cook some – but I must be careful with my ingredients. Gotta keep it bland for a while. I’ll check back for more ideas from the Morselicious Master!
Great, Tara…hummus should be plain enough, yes?
how are you with fresh lemon and herbs?
Yes, great question. Mo’s got some great suggestions. I’ve your Q to our NUTSO-SWEET cue, Tara. : )
Thank you, Lauren. I’m looking forward to reading about your ideas.
Congrats, Sara and Emma!
Please let me know how it goes.
Hi Mo! I am taking my 10 year old (Emma) to the “Sprint for Life” – The MD Anderson 5K for Ovarian Cancer. This will be her first organized run so we’re excited!
Great post. You could have called this “Sensa Sensibility” – just a little nod to Ms. Jane Austen.
Ha ha!
I love it, Reece
You are clever, Reece. Love that title! : )