This week we will honor our father’s and what better dad, than my own, Super Hero, Mac, to inspire this month’s MORSELICIOUS Monday post!

Father’s Day and my Dad, Mac (of Mac-n-Mo’s),
I’d like to share some life lessons and humor my dad has
taught me:

Dad & me (Mac -n-Mo, the early years)
Any man can be a Father… but it takes someone special to be a Dad
Now, lessons learned from my Dad, Mac:
– You are your own worst enemy and your own best advocate
(Remember my blog) Success & Obstacles
– The squeeky wheel gets the oil, but must you be so NOISY?
– Tell the truth and shame the devil
– Do the RIGHT thing and whatever you do DON’T GET CAUGHT!
– You can do whatever you put your mind to do…you’re IRISH!
(Remember this blog?) Bumble Bees
– Never forget to Thank God you have food on the table.
– Be grateful! (Remember this blog?) Thank you’s
– Don’t try to keep up with the Jones’ …we’re the Knowles’
– Don’t spend your money on a fancy car, save it for a trip to somewhere you’ve never explored
and GO EXPLORE THE WORLD! (Another blog..do you see a pattern here?)

– The world is people.
– No matter what you know, where you got your education,
how much money you make, remember it’s the
relationships you have with people that will get you far in life.
– It never hurts to ASK. (And one more blog) Just ask
– Honor your father & mother.
– Learn to share with your sister or this bathroom door is coming OFF!
– Be smart but for God’s sake, stop being a Smart Ass!
– Be GRATEFUL & always have a sense of humor!
What lessons have you learned from your dad?
Wishing all of the Morselite Papa’s a very
Happy & Morselicious Father’s Day!
Especially, to my Super Hero, Mac. J
These are all wonderful! My favorite, and one very close to home, is the threat to take off the bathroom door if you and your sister didn’t share the bathroom!
🙂 So happy you enjoyed, Luann!
LOL, Luann! For the record, my dad followed through and removed the bathroom door! True story. 🙂
Love the family pic! So cute!
Morselicious thanks, Michelle!
Thanks, Michelle!
Absolutely fabulous!
Morselicious hugs, Coleen!
Thanks, Coleen!