Frances Largeman Roth-HEALTH Mag Editor & Carb Lover’s Diet Author


What are you working out?
Or, should I ask, what are you NOT working out?

This little post to the right made me


Hope you enjoy!

 Today’s guest is working out NON-STOP!!!

Frances Largeman-Roth, RD, was the Food and Nutrition Director at Health magazine

for approximately 8 years and has recently began a freelance career.

A best selling author and a nationally recognized health expert, she has helped thousands

of women across America lose weight and feel incredible with her healthy recipes and smart diet advice.

Frances was previously part of the editorial team at the Discovery Health Channel,

and also held the post of managing editor at

She has had the opportunity to work with top chefs

and food personalities, putting a healthier spin on recipes from Jamie Oliver,

Mark Bittman, Bobby Flay, Rick Bayless, and Cat Cora, among others.

Frances earned her undergraduate degree from Cornell University and

completed her dietetic internship at Columbia University in New York. She’s a frequent guest on national TV shows, including the Today Show, Good Morning America, The CBS Early Show, and CNN.

Frances has also appeared on The Rachael Ray Show and The Dr. Oz Show.

Frances is also the author of Feed the Belly: The Pregnant Mom’s Healthy Eating Guide (Sourcebooks, Inc.),

the New York Times bestselling The CarbLovers Diet (Oxmoor House, 2010),

and the recently released The CarbLovers Diet Cookbook (Oxmoor House, 2011).

She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her husband Jon, daughter Willa, and son Leo.

You can keep up with Frances at and follow her at

Q.  You have an impressive resume. How did you get started in the nutrition field?
A.  My father died of a heart attack when I was 12. He had type II diabetes, high blood pressure, and was a workaholic. I decided to make it my passion in life to help people lead longer, healthier, more vibrant lives. I studied human nutrition at Cornell, did my dietetic internship at Columbia, and then moved to San Francisco to work at a wholistic health clinic. I eventually made my way back to the East Coast to work at Discovery Health. I landed at Health magazine almost eight years ago.
Q.  Your recent book, Carb Lover’s Diet is a hit.  Please share with my readers
a few of your favorite discoveries while researching and writing the book.
And why did you focus on carbs in particular?

A.  Several years ago I attended a conference on whole grains and there was a presentation on resistant starch (RS). I had never heard about it before, but it was very eye-opening (and exciting!) to hear that several foods naturally contain this natural weight loss ingredient. Resistant Starch is found in all of our CarbStars, including pasta and certain types of bread, including whole wheat, sourdough, rye and pumpernickel. RS helps you feel more full, boosts metabolism and helps burn belly fat. Another discovery is that frozen slightly green bananas make a terrific midnight snack!

Q.  Where can we buy your book and what sets it apart from other “Diet” books?
A.  You can buy it at and also through my website:

Carbohydrates are the number one fuel source for our brains, which is one of the reasons we crave them. And eating carbshelps release feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin. So CarbLovers doesn’t leave dieters feeling deprived, which is a huge revelation and benefit for most people. Also, you can cook the recipes for the whole family. No more making separate meals!

Q.  Your schedule seems pretty full, how do you find time to balance
stress, nutrition, exercise, career, family life?  For example, if the tables were
turned and my readers were the Nutrition Experts, what would they “prescribe”
to you?
A.  Finding balance in life with a newborn, a toddler, a husband, and a career is my biggest challenge in life! I love to exercise and so does my husband Jon, so we’ve rigged our apartment so that we can fit in mini workouts whenever we have a spare 15 minutes. We have a pull up bar, free weights, yoga mats, and even kettle bells! I think your readers would probably prescribe more couch time for me or “play” time:)
Q.  What is the most or at least top 2 most fulfilling aspects of your career/job?
A.  Feeling that I’m reaching people and truly helping them is the most fulfilling part of my job. Whether it’s helping someone finally lose the last 10 pounds with The CarbLovers Diet, or turning them on to cooking with delicious whole grains, I love being able to make a difference—however small—in people’s lives.

7 thoughts on “Frances Largeman Roth-HEALTH Mag Editor & Carb Lover’s Diet Author”

  1. I’d never heard of RS–kind of encouraging though How does Frances feel about ‘wheat belly’—that wheat spikes blood sugar and contributes to added flab around the middle?

    If she’s looking for a fabulous yoga mat for one of her 15 min workouts I’ve got the perfect one! Please send her my way!

    1. Hi Karen,

      The type of carbs that The CarbLovers Diet is built on are slow burning, complex carbs–not refined carbs. So your blood glucose will be raised, but it won’t spike and then crash. We’re talking about barley, beans, and slightly green bananas, not cookies, crackers, and processed foods!

      Hope this helps and yes, your mats look great!


      1. Thanks Mo & Frances! I’m with you on the processed (translate demonic) foods. A friend told me about Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find your Path Back to Health by William Davis. The author is purportedly a cardiologist. I haven’t read it but from what my friend said wheat in all forms, not just processed, is bad…

        I incorporate the CarbLover’s theory and always try to maintain, even out my blood sugar—the plummet down isn’t pleasant 🙁

        Please let those you know that practice yoga, & would like to use their practice to make a difference, to visit!!

        Thanks Mo for writing/sharing important information for our health!

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