Are you or the food you eat Functional Foodies?

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” -Hippocrates

Thank you to guest blogger and fellow Health Coach,  Julie Skrupa for today’s MORSELICIOUS Monday post and an extra special thanks for being such a fan of Mac-n-Mo’s! 🙂

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” -Hippocrates



What is functional nutrition? 

Includes solid food, supplements, herbs, and tea that benefit the human body and promotes good health, even reducing health risks and offering health protection, when consumed as part of a regular diet.  While there is no single definition of functional food, here are some key points:


blueberries-another great superfood
blueberries-another great superfood

  • Began as a concept in the 1980s; Japan defined as “foods for specified health use”
  • Has become a diet and nutritional trend
  • Functional food/components provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition
  • Similar to, or are, conventional foods with physiological benefits that may reduce chronic disease risk beyond basic nutritional functions
  • Contain compounds (i.e. contain bioactive compounds that can occur naturally or be added by fortification or enrichment) or ingredients not from specific vitamins or minerals that may help reduce the risk of certain health conditions or promote better health and create positive, biological responses when consumed
  • Supplies the body with macronutrients and micronutrients needed for normal biochemical reactions
  • Has a beneficial effect on one or more bodily functions when in the food form, not a dietary supplement
  • Fortified, enriched or enhanced foods (conventional foods, modified foods, medical foods, food for special dietary use) and whole foods have a potentially beneficial effect on health when consumed regularly as part of a varied diet


Putting into our body what our brain, cells, muscles, and tissues need provides energy and helps us function optimally.  We have more energy, our skin glows, and the body’s systems experience less stress.  To include functional nutrition is to take food as medicine.  Some benefits:

  • Promotes digestive health, regulates metabolism, reduces cravings
  • Lowers total cholesterol and blood pressure, protects against heart disease
  • Provides an antioxidant boost, heart-healthy fat, and essential vitamins like A and D, and trace minerals including magnesium, iron, calcium
  • Stabilizes blood sugar, supplies energy and high fiber
  • Eliminates headaches, reduces inflammation, alleviates fungus
  • Relieves cramps and menstrual discomfort, improves mood


A few websites with more information


Where to buy

There’s not always time to shop, browse farmers markets, and prepare meals.  Sometimes we need to buy prepared items.  This can present a challenge since things may not be healthy or taste appealing.  Products may have highly processed and hidden sugar, salt, and fat that is difficult for the body to digest. Ingredient lists can be long with unpronounceable words or there is packaging falsely claiming “natural”, “whole grain”, and “organic.”  But there are companies making food, herbs, and tea that serve a functional purpose.  Products are made of whole foods containing vitamins, minerals and nutrients our body recognizes and can breakdown.  They have done their research and make products contributing to consumer’s good health and well being.  Here are a few:



The information in this post is for informational purposes.  If you have food sensitivities, allergies, or other health conditions, please consult with your medical practitioner before making changes.


Julie Skrupa
Julie Skrupa

Julie Skrupa is an AADP Board Certified Holistic Health Coach.  She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and ECU and is a writer, yoga practitioner, music fan, and advocate for healthy and holistic living.  She enjoys supporting people as they make positive changes to their diet and lifestyle.  She loves answering questions about holistic health and wellness and dietary cleansing.  Please email her at or visit

Have a MORSELICIOUS Monday and please ask me about my 30 day group detox program. I’d love to have you join!

Morselicious detox
Morselicious detox



2 thoughts on “Are you or the food you eat Functional Foodies?”

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience! This is a great testament to the healing powers of eating REAL-WHOLE-CLEAN foods!
    Have a MORSELICIOUS one and please keep sharing…
    I LOVE hearing from you!

  2. Thanks for posting, Mo! As I was reading, I started thinking about all of the functional foods that you include in your 21 Day Morselicious Detox! After completing your detox, I can attest that functional foods definitely help your skin glow, gives you more energy and relieves menstrual camping, which was a huge problem for me. Thanks again for posting!

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