Manic or Morselicious Monday Morning?
You are invited to play my lil’ game to turn your dreaded Manic Monday Morning into a Merry Morselicious Monday, all day!

Take a sensory treasure hunt by starting your morning with a brisk walk just before the break o’ dawn. Make one new observation using all five of your senses, not returning home until you’ve checked off all five. You’ll be amazed at how refreshed you feel, setting you in motion for the entire day, possibly the entire week.
Morselist’s TIP: leave your work-out clothes by your bed and walking shoes by the front door and jump into them the minute you wake up. NO excuses! Be careful not to jump too hard. 🙂
Write down your 5 observations when you get home and if you’re like me, check exercise off your “To-do” list. Who doesn’t like starting their mornings, especially Monday Mornings by being productive?
One new sound. Baby birds chirping? Coyotes howling one final call? A rustling breeze?
One new scent. Star Jasmine? Rosemary? Freshly cut grass?
One new sight. The light at this time of day is stunning and magical.
One new taste. Yes, if the morning dew is heavy, you may be able to taste it.
One new touch. Your feet hitting the pavement or trail or if you’re like me the touch of the gravel as I do a few stretches and sun salutations in the middle of my walk.

Be sure to treat yourself to a MORSELICIOUS green smoothie (watch my youtube video demonstrating Mo’s Lean Green Protein Smoothie). Maybe you foraged some fresh mint leaves from your garden observing the fragrant aroma on your sensory treasure hunt? Please share your observations here and suggest one of your own merry ways to start your MORSELICIOUS Monday. 🙂
Enjoy and please share your comments. You know how much I LOOOVE hearing from you! Register for my upcoming MORSELICIOUS GROUP Health & Wellness Workshop by emailing today.
Wow! What a great exercise! I use walking/hiking for inspiration and this brought a new level of awareness to my hike. Thank you, Mo!
Sound: whipping wind
Scent: dirt
Sight: city view
Taste: the dryness of the weather
Touch: sun on my back
Thank you, Lindsay!
You are a poet and I love love your observations! Please keep them coming…your hikes sound incredible!
Love this idea!! Thanks.
Thank you, SK!
Fun idea Mo!! Thanks
You are MORSELICIOUSly welcome! Please share your observations.