Work it out Wednesday & a SNACK

Happy  WW – Work it out Wednesday!!
Hope you are getting back into the groove

of Back to School and I would say enjoying the “FALL” Weather,

but here in So Cal, we’re having hotter weather than
I remember having all summer, so ixnay that thought!

Sorry, never really learned Pig Latin, but thought I’d try it!

Have you ever had a Major Snack Attack?
I know, a long shot with you guys, right? 🙂

I had one yesterday and

did NOT feel like I mentioned…


So, I scoured my fridge and cupboards and found

an unlikely but ever so tasty combo!!

Roasted Seaweed  (only 30 mg Sodium for 1/2 package)


and some Hummus I made earlier


So much tastier than cheese and crackers AND

Gluten Free/VEGAN/very low sodium/sugar


I call them Morselicious Seaweed Snack Attack!

Please share if you have a more clever name?

I also added:

Toasted Hemp Seeds or Pepitas (Pumpkin Seeds) for added protein!

8 thoughts on “Work it out Wednesday & a SNACK”

  1. HI Karen,
    I don’t notice a smell, at all…they are seaweed, not fish, HOWEVER,
    please forgive me, if you find them offensive.. I really do love them.
    Let me know if you try and what you think?
    Sorry, I’m not much help… 🙂

  2. I have a real aversion to any strong seafood smell (I know, goes counter to my Norwegian heritage) A friend suggested some seaweed crackers from Trader Joe’s, but I found those had WAY too strong a smell! How about the seaweed snacks you used?

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