MORSELICIOUS Monday-Time to cut the C.R.A.P.

Mo & her rainbow salad
Mo & her rainbow salad

Do you struggle to to eat a rainbow every day? Are you sick of the CRAP?  I know my joke is old to some of you, but SKITTLES do NOT count as eating a rainbow.

It’s time to CUT the CRAP!  You heard me correctly…the MORSELIST is gettin’ dirty!

Cancer and most chronic inflammatory diseases are caused by consuming CRAP!

C-carbonated sodas
R-refined sugars
A-artificial anything
P-processed /preservatives

Let’s reverse that by:

C choosing CLEAN

R real -(rainbow)

A and

P pure

FOODS!!  🙂

Which C.R.A.P. will you choose?

Please share your comments here and on a FUN note, my dad, Mac, came for a visit this past weekend and we had a grand time!  Here is a photo of us at the California Science Museum: Space Shuttle Endeavor exhibit!  INCREDIBLE!

Mac-n-Mo at Space Shuttle Endeavor
Mac-n-Mo at Space Shuttle Endeavor

“I don’t want to get to the end of my life
and find that I lived just the length of it.
I want to have lived the width of it as well.”
– Diane Ackerman


Kaledioscope CA Science Museum
Kaledioscope CA Science Museum

I’m now taking orders for my upcoming ULTIMATE 21-day MORSELICIOUS Detox e-cookbook, as well as appointments for one-on-one health coaching sessions/group workshops.

Please contact me to schedule a free consultation and/or to pre-order your e-cookbook.

Mo with lemons & limes
Mo with lemons & limes


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