Do you have a Pet Peeve? If not, I’d like your secret.
I have a few pet peeves and some of them are:
and more recently, the challenge of finding fresh deli case salads at Health Food Stores that DON’T contain some kind of added sugar.
I was at a store recently and wanted to pick up a few healthy salads to go for lunch, but every single salad contained either AGAVE, FRUCTOSE, or CANE SUGAR.
I asked the manager, “Why would you add sugar to all of these savory dishes? It’s not as if people are expecting a sweet Kale Salad or Sesame Slaw?”
Am I wrong? Do most people expect sugar in their meals? Have I succeeded so much in my Sugar Detox that I’m the only Morselist who doesn’t want or need sugar in my lunch? Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate an after meal treat with a morsel of sweetness, but NOT in my actual meal.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. I ended up getting a Tuna Salad and bought plain Spinach. Not very exciting, but I was NOT going to be forced to eat extra sugar out of convenience.
Thanks in advance for sharing and oh, please don’t be a gum smacker.
Trying to cut back on my pet peeves; too much judgment blocking my energy. I do, however, agree totally with your view on all the hidden sugars in prepared foods. No need for them, really! Like Jill, I’d rather prepare my own food than buying prepared food. I’d love the luxury of eating out, but the scope of what’s available for me is ordering steamed veggies only.
I was surprised when I started checking into labels/ingredients just how much extra sugar/calories are added…totally unnecessary. BTW, have you seen the movie Forks Over Knives?
Oooh I don’t smack gum, but I do chew bubblegum (sugarless of course!) and constantly–according to my children–blow bubbles 😛
i’m often frustrated by hidden sugars in various foods, deli counter included. also when out to eat at restaurants. i’m getting to a point where i’d rather make my own food and be in control of what goes in it. so, i hear ya…