Nutso-Sweet Friday: Healthy portable foods

Happy NUTSO-SWEET Friday! One of my best friends graduated with HONORS with her Masters in Social Work and we’re attending her “Tassle was worth the hassle” celebration, one of many events on our list…CONGRATS, Alison! What are your Memorial Day plans? Please share…

Yesterday, my friend and fellow IIN colleague, Michelle, attended a fantastic Small Business Owner Social Media Conference via Constant Contact and SCORE met VP of Biz Development, Gregg Gunn of Hootsuite! Very cool.  Donations went to Safe PassageLives, an incredible non-profit organization helping domestic abuse victims. It was held in Santa Monica’s Airport new Museum of Flying..definitely worth checking out!

REMINDER: one more week for A Morselicious SweetLeaf Recipe challenge-giveway              

Please post and share your recipes and FAN us on FACEBOOK: Tell your friends!
Here is another awesome question from a loyal Morselite and a great question for Mo!!!



I have just recently gone gluten-free and dairy free, (never did eat red meat and have long been trying to reduce sugar and fats) and have been told by my gastroenterologist to stick to low-residue foods in the early part of the day. ( I find I cannot eat apples, onions or tomatos without stomach problems). I need portable foods for long days away from home. Any suggestions?

A.  I’m (Mo) in the same boat as you, but find I can eat apples first thing in the morning

on am empty stomach with nut butter or a small amount of cooked quinoa. I pack on-the-go snacks and meals include nuts, nut butters (natural, unsweetened-unsalted), cut up veggies and I started packing my salads in a jar...a great way to enjoy your UNSOGGY salad..put the dressing on the bottom of the jar and layer your veggies, leaves and protein-crunchies..MORSELICIOUS! Other tips include raw protein powder in a shaker cup or jar that you can add water to on-the-go for a healthy pick-me-up. Do any of these sound good? They are healthy, tasty and EASY. Make sure to keep an insulated bag or small cooler in your car. I use glass containers instead of plastic, but if you do use plastic, make sure to use BPA free. Saving your nut butter jars is a great way to recycle, avoid plastic toxins AND save money!

Nutri-Savvy’s 2 cents: Mo’s a pro when it comes to questions concerning gluten and dairy-free as she’s a good, healthy-living example.  (from Mo, awww, thanks, Lauren!)

Mo’s salad-on-the-go-in-a-jar: 

(sounds like a Dr. Seuss book- repeat out loud 3 times)

Mo’s salad-on-the-go-in-a-jar

Mo’s salad-on-the-go-in-a-jar

Mo’s salad-on-the-go-in-a-jar  🙂

8 thoughts on “Nutso-Sweet Friday: Healthy portable foods”

  1. Wonderful ideas, Mo! I love the salad-in-a-jar concept. So funny how we get set in our imagery – I got stuck on salads having to be served on big, flat plates (too heavy to travel with). And the shaker cup with protein powder sounds like a winner to me! Thank you!

  2. Thanks for the congrats, Maura!! We have a dear friend coming in for the weekend, and will see lots of dear friends tomorrow, including YOU.
    You are inspiring me to get back into a healthier eating style now that the academic stress has abated…Happy Friday!

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