Non-GMO Project Verified-NO April Fool’s-Morselicious Monday

Happy MORSELICIOUS MONDAY and April  First and/or Fool’s Day!

Hello from Mo!
Hello from Mo!

Mac-n-Mo’s has exciting news!

We have officially been approved by the NON-GMO PROJECT VERIFIED Organization.

Please read their “hot-off-the-press-release!”  this is NO April Fools!

Non GMO booth
I need your input. Yours truly is working on a 2nd e-cookbook and debating between 2 ideas:

1) CONFESSIONS OF A MORSELIST & her MORSELICIOUS recipes, which will include my funny -candid stories accompanied by my MORSELICOUS recipes and list of favorite ingredients, products.

2) The Ultimate 21-day MORSELICIOUS Detox, which would include a 7 day, 14 day and ultimate 21 day menu planning-recipes encompassing the MORSELICIOUS Lifestyle.

The 21-day would come with various tip sheets and each week would come with a handy Morselicious shopping guide, which I’ll categorize for easier shopping. The 7 day would come with 7 days and that week’s shopping list, same with the 14 day version.

Either book will be offered as a gift with MORSEL orders and/or part of my DETOX health coaching program.

Please SHARE your thoughts and in the spirit of April Fool’s Day, I’d love to hear what FOOL you’ll be playing today.

cookies crumbleAVmeme

Here is a COUPON CODE for you to use (NO FOOLIN’)
TENMO”  10% off when you shop

Please contact me if you’d like to schedule a complimentary health history session



4 thoughts on “Non-GMO Project Verified-NO April Fool’s-Morselicious Monday”

  1. I would be interested in the second options. The first one seems really good, too, but it appears as though the second option would offer more recipes. I also prefer more direct recipes, resources and applicable information rather than narrative. Perhaps you can include fun, comical notes in the margins.


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