Morselist meets Veganist, Kathy Freston

Did you have a grand ole 4th?

I sure hope so. Today, I’m thrilled to introduce Kathy Freston. ENJOY!

The MORSELIST speaks with The VEGANIST
By Kathy Freston,
Author of The Lean: A Revolutionary (and Simple!) 30-Day Plan for Healthy, Lasting Weight Loss

Before we get started, I’d be remiss not to point out your clever name,The Veganist. I call myself The Morselist because I make morsels NOT cookies, which have eggs, sugar, butter & fat. Mac-n-Mo’s have none o’ that. I like to rhyme and play with my food and words because eating & living a Healthy or MORSELICIOUS lifestyle should be FUN! You seem to have a similar Sense of FUN with your recipes and blogs. Would you like to touch upon the Creation of The VEGANIST?

Hi! Lord I’m hungry just hearing about your morsels! Ok, so the “ist” basically means “one who is passionate about”. So I’m passionate about all things vegan!

I LOVE your book and philosophies in your new book, THE LEAN. I also subscribe to your DAILY LEAN emails and really look forward to Reading every morning. We share similar philosophies/theories About CROWDING OUT rather than CUTTING OUT and LEANING into Healthier choices, which can make us or keep us lean. It encompasses so many definitions.

Q. What led to become a vegan? Was it immediate? Gradual?

I was writing about personal growth and consciousness, but realized I was not too conscious about how my food got to my plate. So I started looking in to the business of meat, dairy, and eggs and was kind of horrified. So I pointed myself in the direction of being someone who didn’t eat animals or any of their stuff, and then leaned in! It was very gradual, which is why this change settled into my lifestyle easily.

Q. What did you do before THE VEGANIST days?

Way, way back in the day I used to model. Then I started writing and producing guided meditations, which led me to writing about personal growth, specifically in relationships. After I wrote about soul mates for 2 books, I moved into exploring overall wellness — body, mind, and soul.

Q. Many people become vegan or vegetarian for different reasons. Health, politics, environmental, the list is extensive. Would you like to share your thoughts/ideas on this?

If you are a smart, thinking person who wants to grow as an individual, you are going to stumble into the wisdom of eating things that grow in the ground or on trees. It just makes too much sense. You can heal your body and lose weight. You can be a change agent for the environment by reducing or eliminating your animal protein intake. And you can become more deeply connected to all of life when you choose to eat plant based food instead of animals (your compassion grows and your heart opens!).

Q. What do you tell people who want to be VEGANish? (Some vegans discount vegetarians or veganish/flexitarian diets) I’d love to address this from your perspective.

Victor Hugo said, “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” If we expect someone to be perfect, and try harassing them into the way we think they should be, we’ll annoy the hell out of them. Isn’t it better to simply support change in an easy and friendly manner? I know I would respond to that rather than militant righteousness!

Q. There are so many overly processed vegan “meat-like” products in the market, How does someone wanting to try a vegan diet, yet keep their diet REAL & CLEAN, or as I like to say “LEAN, GREEN & CLEAN without a lot of prep work? (ie. They are working women/mom’s with very little time to cook)

Personally, I LOVE those convenience foods. If I can have cheese or chicken or sausage — some of the traditional favorite things I grew up loving — I am a happy camper! For the most part, I eat simply — lots of beans and grains and veggies and fruits. But I enjoy the traditional stuff a couple days a week, too!

Q. What is your big wish? Your overall mission?

My big wish is for the culture to shift away from eating animals. (Women are no longer second class citizens, and we no longer keep slaves . . . I think this is next).

Q. Any final words of wisdom to impart or Lean in tip?

It’s all about progress, not perfection. Just keep leaning forward . . . we’re changing ourselves and our world, one bite at a time!

© 2012 Kathy Freston, author of The Lean: A Revolutionary (and Simple!) 30-Day Plan for Healthy, Lasting Weight LossAuthor Bio
Kathy Freston, 
author of The Lean: A Revolutionary (and Simple!) 30-Day Plan for Healthy, Lasting Weight Loss, is a bestselling author with a focus on healthy eating and conscious living. Her instant New York Times bestsellers include VeganistQuantum Wellness, and The One. She has appeared frequently on national television, including The Dr. Oz Show, Ellen, Good Morning America, The View, Charlie Rose, Extra and Oprah. She lives in Los Angeles.

For more information please visit, and follow the author on Facebook and Twitter

8 thoughts on “Morselist meets Veganist, Kathy Freston”

  1. I loved your question about overly-processed vegan foods. As a vegan, I don’t use those convenience foods. I want my diet to be natural, not processed. There are so many wonderful fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains that are not processed which can be served quickly, easily, and are delicious as they are!!

  2. Cynthia Mamukari

    Yes, CROWDING OUT rather than CUTTING OUT and LEANING into Healthier choices moves one forward..Thanks Maura for the gentle reminder.

  3. I love love love that you interviewed Kathy Freston. I totally agree that the more knowledge we have about how our food gets to the table the less likely we will be to continue eating the way most of America does. I am all for not eating animals! Nice job Mo!

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