In honor of Father’s Day and my Dad, Mac (of Mac-n-Mo’s), I’d like to share some life lessons and humor my Dad has taught me.
A Father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow
Any man can be a Father… but it takes someone special to be a Dad
May your troubles be as few and far between
As my grandfather’s teeth.
Now, lessons learned from my Dad, Mac:
– You are your own worst enemy and your own best advocate (Remember my blog) Success & Obstacles
– The squeeky wheel gets the oil, but must you be so NOISY?
– Tell the truth and shame the devil.
– Do the RIGHT thing and whatever you do DON’T GET CAUGHT!
– You can do whatever you put your mind to do…you’re IRISH! (Remember this blog?) Bumble Bees
– Never forget to Thank God you have food on the table.
– Be grateful! (Remember this blog?) Thank you’s
– Don’t try to keep up with the Jones’ …we’re the Knowles’
– Don’t spend your money on a fancy car, save it for a trip to somewhere you’ve never explored and GO EXPLORE THE WORLD! (Another blog, Dare to do. Do you see a pattern here?)
– The world is people.
– No matter what you know, where you got your education, how much money you make, remember it’s the relationships you have with people that will get you far in life.
– It never hurts to ASK. (And one more blog) Just ask
– Honor your Father & Mother.
– Learn to share with your sister or this bathroom door is coming OFF!
– Be smart but for God’s sake, stop being a Smart Ass!
– Be GRATEFUL & always have a sense of humor…LIFE’S TOO SHORT!!!
What lessons have your Dad’s taught you?
Please share and Happy Father’s Day to all my Papa Morselites!
And, to my very own Papa, The Big Mac!!!

Thanks for sharing, Mo!
My Dad knew everything. He was a man of few words, so you had to ask.
Now that was a zodiac match made in Heaven. As a curious Gemini, I never ran out of questions. My Dad thought of hard work as a blessing. He always said, “Work as hard as you can when you’re young and strong.” I did.
Lovely, Maura, thanks.
LOVE the 4 generation picture! I just wrote something up about my Dad too! I have a very close relationship with both my parents, but I’m probably most like my Dad–he’s just fun to be with.
What a wonderful tribute you gave your Dad–enjoy your posts!
Hi Mo!
We love that you honored your father today! And what amazing things he taught you, thank you so much for sharing!
-Do something every day that scares you just a little bit.
-Keep the main thing the main thing in your life (know your priorities and always put them first).
-One from my gpa: If you can’t decide, don’t decide. (keep thinking it through until you can make a firm decision!)
Amen Sister!
Nicely done! One of many tips from my dad, “don’t over-react, let things play out little bit 1st” & “you have 2 ears for a reason”…
Knowing Frank, I can well imagine him delivering those words of wisdom!
My father was always full of both clever and traditional remarks, and was a tremendous model for a good, happy life for all six of us children…A couple of his favorites (as a farmer/rancher):
*Don’t cry over spilled milk. (and clean it up before it turns sour!)
*Do what you can today so you can face tomorrow without today’s burden.
*When we were on the edge of doing something we shouldn’t, he always gave us a warning: You’re skating on thin ice!
*And: Always show thanks to God and those around you.
Thanks for the opportunity to share!
Wonderful! Happy father’s day to Mac!
A lesson from my father:
“Don’t panic when the s*** hits the fan…it doesn’t help.”
It has served me well.