Happy Autumn, October and HalloWEAN! …off sugar!
Who’s already dug into the Halloween treats? Costume ideas? Tricks to share? Hear ye! Hear ye!
Exciting announcements from yours truly, Mo, the Morselist!
Special thanks to Canterbury Business Center for inviting me back for my October Workshop Series. We’re halfway through, and it’s not too late to register and receive the recordings! Following the workshop series at the end of this month, recordings will be available for purchase at macnmos.com!
Many of my clients come to me at the beginning of our work together with complaints of brain fog, forgetfulness, anxiety, and depression.
How many of us don’t or didn’t realize the connection between how we feel with how or what we eat, how much we unplug, rest and sleep, how much we exercise, the time we do or don’t make for friends and community, including the mindless scrolling, feeds from the media and news?
When we begin to understand these connections, ’tis, indeed, possible to change your approach to these important factors and to the plethora of daily decisions you make.
The truth is that feeling fully energized and maintaining great brain health ultimately requires crowding out the bad stuff, replacing it with the good stuff, ie. your Morselicious Life Pie, including food, relationships, and lifestyle choices. Working together with these strategies, you can reduce & often eliminate the bad mojo to cultivate your optimal mental & overall health.
Eat REAL, WHOLE food.
of vegetables.
Cut the C.R.A.P.: Carbonated drinks, Refined carbohydrates, Artificial sweeteners, Processed junk.
Eat lots o’ healthy fat.
Optimize clean protein.
Cut the toxic relationships, unplug & limit your news & screen time.
If you cannot attend the live workshops and want to work with me, please book a One-on-One Health Coaching Session to get started on your Sugar Weaning Journey.
My Sugar Weaning-Detoxing Workshops are also ideal for small groups, parties, companies…

Check out the NEW Printables in Mac-n-Mo’s Shop:
What is your favorite trick or treat? Most creative answer gets a special bonus prize from me! Please share your photos on my Facebook page or tag me on Instagram!
The deadline for your answers is October 28th, my dear, late papa’s birthday.
Xo, Mo