Happy Fun & Flexible NUTSO-SWEET Friday!
We’ve officially changed our Friday posts to NUTSO-SWEET.
Remember a few months ago we sprinkled tid bits
of NUTSO-SWEET gems…now, we’re ready to go full steam ahead!
Lauren and Mo on the go…
reducing sugar one teaspoon at a time…
Please let us know what you think.
Today’s question:
Q. Is it true that sugar alcohols do NOT count as sugar? I’ve heard so many conflicting arguments.
A: Sugar alcohols are not sugars, nor are they alcohols. They have a unique chemical structure (though chemically-derived from sugars) which renders them less caloric, lower on the glycemic index (and unlikely to promote tooth decay) – what some may feel is an ideal substitute. But despite health promises, they are not blessings (to your taste-buds) without consequence. While much of the substance may not be completely absorbed and thus passes through your digestive tract, fermentation can occur and cause gas, bloating, nausea and/or diarrhea. A laxative effect (and its degree can range from subtle to distressful) is generally what sugar alcohols may have on the body, in the very least.
What you may not know: Despite the fact that many claims suggest they have no effect on the blood sugars. Most sugar alcohols do, in fact, have a glycemic index (GI) above zero (see glycemic chart: table 5, pg 173). Yes, perhaps lower than that of sugar (and they don’t promote tooth decay), but to say they won’t effect your blood sugars at all IS misleading. In fact Maltitol may only have slightly less of an effect on your blood sugars – as it contains 75-90% the sweetness of sugar and a structure that allows for more similar browning/caramelizing affects vs other sugar alcohols with a lower GI (erythritol and mannitol).
The naked truth: Sugar alcohols like sugar, do have sweetness, and consequently do little to help wean your sweet tooth. If one or two bites doesn’t satisfy, you may wind up eating more than you intend. And the sweetness may have aftertaste (perhaps a “cooling” effect like xylitol), and not quite the flavor you’d hope to expect. And guess what ?!: You may end up on even par to that of a sugar-filled item if you aren’t careful. (That’s because sometimes just a little chunk of chocolate just hits the spot, while a sugar-substituted item can be less satisfying or even disappointing.)
Lower in calories, yes. And less carbs to boot. Dental cary’s (tooth decay) may not be an issue. BUT because their sweetness may not quite equal your desire for “sugar” – you may find yourself reaching for more. It will do little to help your “sweets addiction” and perhaps even sustain it. So be wary. Choose your intake wisely and stay in control. Sugar alcohol can have an effect on your blood sugars if consumed in excess (not too mention the GI distress that may likely follow). For The Bitter Truth About Sugar Alcohols, stay tuned for an upcoming article on aroundtheplate.org
Great new logo and info on sugar alcohols!
Thanks, Karen!
Thanks! : )
So glad you both like it! Yes, Damon did my caricature as well. He’s amazing! : )
Very cute and clever logo! Also interesting, useful information, as usual!
Thanks, Susie!
Have you gone to the SAC COOP yet?
Mac-n-Mo’s Morsels are being sold individually in the bakery/deli case.. 🙂
I love this logo! You both look so great! Did Damon do Lauren’s too???
Great blog as well!
Thanks, Reece!
Yes, Damon did both logos! 🙂
Hi Mo,
Looks great! – your intro. with our new logo! Yay!
Here’s the link to