Focus is probably the most important step towards success in everything.
When we allow ourselves to scatter our energy without a plan, just throwing the dough up in the air hoping it will land somewhere and call that our target we will most likely, deliver mediocrity and end up with a scattered bag of confetti.
Of course, there will be an exception to the rule and one or two of us might get lucky with our aim, but for the rest of us, strive to stay on track and follow our better CARVE your own path.
Of course, there will be forks and spoons that you might explore. Explore, but keep your eye on your plan/target & FOCUS your way back to whichever path is your true path.
Believe me, I am the Queen of exploring and trying tons of new adventures, but I always have some sort of focused plan.
Consider the amazing things we can accomplish once we truly focus.
If you think about it, isn’t that why some of us need glasses? To help us focus?
Do you find it challenging or easy to focus?
What areas would you like to focus on more?
Martha Beck captured the art of focusing in a disciplined way of DOING, beautifully, in her book, The Joy Diet.
“Getting lost in the zone of disciplined action.”
So, today, let’s focus while getting lost in our disciplined action.
Great post! Our biggest problem with focus is that we take on too much. So this is a great reminder to refocus to maximize our efforts. Thanks!!!