Clearing Clutter

Are you a Clever Clutterer?

I wanted to ask if you were a Clutter Queen or a Clutter King,  but I figured being a Clever Clutterer is more creative.

That is, if someone walked into your home or office and was immediately struck by the clutter, it would be obvious you were a Clutter Queen or King. However, if you are like most Clever Clutterer’s, that same visitor would have to dig deep or snoop around and then you would be justified in kicking them out or politely, though assertively, asking them to leave.

My point? There is a difference.

Do you have piles upon piles, albeit “ORGANIZED” piles all-around your desk and file cabinet or worse your dining room table?

OR…do you store your papers and stuff in a box hidden away where no one can see, including YOU, allowing you to be in a sort of thrilling denial that you are “CLUTTER FREE.”

I’m not sure which one is better or more efficient…so today, let’s focus on REDUCING the CLUTTER in our lives!

See how long it took me to get to the point? Now, that’s clutter!

There are so many great articles, tips and books on how to reduce the clutter.

One of my favorites is CLEAR YOUR CLUTTER with FENG SHUI by Karen Kingston.

My favorite reason for clearing clutter (I’ll admit, it’s a constant work-in-progress) is the feeling of freedom and accomplishment once I have cleared out bags or boxes and an even better feeling is when I am able to donate some of my stuff to Non-Profit Organizations & Shelters. I’ve found that incentive to be the best motivator because let’s face it, who wants to carve out time to weed through stuff?

Isn’t it easier to just stuff our stuff under the bed or in the closet?

Repeat 10 times quickly:




Funny, but not pretty. Letting go of the junk or stuff in our lives, helps us feel lighter and freer.

It allows new opportunities, creativity, fresh perspectives… endless possibilities to flow through our lives because we now have space and room for them.

Today, carve out 15 minutes- 30 if you are able to spare-, turn up the stereo or put in your earbuds and tackle one drawer or corner of your desk, kitchen, family room, bedroom..whatever small area you can handle and begin to clear the clutter.

For those more “advanced,” try clearing some of the clutter from your lives:  personal junk- relationships that drag you down, the negative nellies, old habits that really don’t serve you, bad food that just sits in your cupboard tempting you.

You get the drill.

Start a new CLEAR THE CLUTTER Campaign and please SHARE your comments & tips.

I’m certain MOST of us can benefit in some shape or morsel.

4 thoughts on “Clearing Clutter”

  1. Although I am without doubt a clever clutterer, it’s only when it comes to documents. Oh, I have piles of those.

    I keep just about everything else organized and at the appropriate level of accessbility because I can’t stand the thought of having to purchase something that I already have somewhere, just because I can’t find it or forgot that I have it.

  2. Great post! I read CLEAR YOUR CLUTTER with FENG SHUI at least once a year. The physical clutter is a must to deal with, but you are completely right that the subtle energy clutter – old relationships, concepts, emotional baggage – can create just as much stagnancy.

  3. This blog really hits home with me. My partner and I recently remodeled our home. As part of the process, we promised each other that we would go through all of the old “clutter” in the house and either organize or get rid of it. I would say that we ended up throwing out (or donating)probably 1/4 of everything we had in the house. We kept laughing and asking each other why we were holding on to this or that. It is truly a great feeling to clean your life/home out every once in a while. We both feel so much better for doing it. The test . . . keeping it this way!!

  4. Love to share a tip, but I fear I’m an “organized” clutter-er who can’t seem to keep the piles from growing and expanding. lol!!! Thanks for another great post, Maura!

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