Spring has sprung!

Spring has always been one of my favorite seasons and the significance of this time of year reaches me on so many levels, including a time to refresh, recharge, rejuvenate.

It’s also a perfect time to cleanse, clear and create!

Here are 3 fun and easy tips for making this Spring, spring MORSELICIOUSly:-)

  1. Clear away the clutter.  Start with ONE room or section of a room at a time.
  2. Eat more greens and feel a spring in your step!
  3. Grow or bring a fresh bunch of daisies to your garden and table.

Never underestimate the power of adding color to both your plate and table!

Spring has sprung

Please share your favorite thoughts, memories and photos for Spring and put that MORSELICIOUS  spring in your step! 🙂



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