“Don’t put off today what you can do tomorrow.”
Procrastination is so easy and many of us are guilty at some point or another.
So, instead, why not DO today what you can DO tomorrow, but once you’ve DONE your thing today, you’ll have time to DO something else tomorrow.
Dare to do… How’s that for a thought?
So many opportunities for us to do and explore and DOING them INSTEAD of putting them off or on the back Morsel Burner allows us to experience EVEN MORE!!
Tackle one thing you are dreading and just DO it…or at least, START it.
Or else, I’ll have to write a blog about another GREAT QUOTE:
“That which I should have done, I did not do.”
Don’t make me go there.
Have a Morselicious Day!!
Great advice Mo, as always!!! 🙂
Speaking of doing; keep doing what you’ve always done, and you’ll get what you always got. Doing something completely out of the ordinary dramatically changes our perspective. And, after all, life is joy & happiness & love & abundance. It’s our perspective of life that creates our experience.
What was the subject? 🙂
Procrastination – an easy trap to fall into. So I’ll take your advice and do what I can tomorrow’s “today” (too late to work on anything else, gotta get kids to bed, myself to bed). Now I just need to prioritize… : )
The main reason that I procrastinate is to not have to deal with something, but then I end up dealing with it for an even longer time. It never really goes away, just sits on your shoulders and becomes a burden.
Completions alleviate this dramatically.