Nutso-sweet Friday: What’s so great about RAW?

Happy NUTSO-SWEET Friday!!
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Q: What is so amazing about RAW Foods?
A: Not only do your plant-based foods keep you healthy, learning to enjoy them RAW is a great way to enjoy and reap the value their synergy of nutrients. While you can enjoy a mix of cooking with heart healthy plant foods and a RaW-mazing lifestyle, when you eat RAW, you can benefit with the power of plant enzymes for your digestion and metabolism. (Cooking can destroy some of these natural enzymes.)
Some RAW tips:
1. Keep it simple.
  • store peeled ripped bananas and/or avocados in your freezer to prepare smoothies in a snap (Nut milk, banana, and your fav fruits or vegetables and spices) check out this Morseliciousness smoothie for an inspiration.
  • Soak nuts and seeds overnight, rinse and blend with water to make nut milks for smoothies, soups and dressings.
  • Soak hulled oat grouts to prepare an amazing oatmeal with almond butter, bananas..

2. Crack that coconut. That sweet refreshing juice is great for hydration and full of electrolytes. It is also great for your skin. But the meat inside coconut has so much RAW-possibility: coconut cream to enjoy on fresh fruit, a base for a healthy pudding, you can even mix it with coconut kefir to make a dairy-free yogurt. But my fav, using it as a substitute for mozzarella in a Caprese salad (with basil, olive oil, sliced tomatoes).

3. Don’t stress. The point of a RAW lifestyle or incorporating more and more RAW foods into your diet is to feel good and enjoy your foods. If you are uptight about doing it all completely RAW or stressing about how to do it, you won’t be benefiting entirely because stress isn’t good for your health or well-being. So take it as you can and have fun with it. I’m not a vegan, vegetarian or complete RAW foods individual, but I am happy and healthy as I incorporate more and more nutrient-dense foods into my diet (focusing on the majority of my intake being plant-based).For some great recipes, soaking tips and inspiration visit:
And a note from The Morselist:  I am not completely RAW and LOVE incorporating RAW foods into my diet, including salads, smoothies, raw nut butters and my occasional treat of a RAW restaurant/cafe! 🙂

6 thoughts on “Nutso-sweet Friday: What’s so great about RAW?”

  1. Wow, using the coconut meat to replace mozzarella in caprese salad! What a great idea! Do you just slice the raw meat? I’ve never tried cracking my own coconut! I’ll go find one this weekend!

    1. Yes! Depending on the coconut, best to find one where you can get firm meat (Some have very soft flesh, more pudding-like flesh). in fact I just learned how to scoop it out all in one piece – though will need more practice) and just cut to desired shape. I think 1 – 1.5 inch squares would be just fine. : )

      Enjoy your coconut!!

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