Nutso-Sweet Friday – canola oil vs. other oils


Please remember to keep your questions coming for our posts

every third Friday.

Q: What do you think about canola oil? Is it healthy?

A: Canola oil is very low in (unhealthy) saturated fat and a  good source of mono- and polyunsaturated fats (the good fats). It contains very low levels of erucic acid. Only animals studies have shown erucic acid to be harmful. And it thus considered safe by the USDA.

However, according to the Weston A. Price foundation, canola is the first seed out created through genetic modification, meaning it does contain GMO’s! And herbicide-resistent GMO canola makes up a large proportion of the total canola crop available today.

What makes GMO’s harmful? Herbicide-resistant means that farmers can spray more toxic chemicals on these herbicide-resistent GMO plant and are producing super-weeds – filling our crop base with more potential toxin than benefit. Animal studies show concerning issues in liver and kidney distress in exposure to such plants.

Read this article to learn more about how GMO’s, super weeds, our environment and our health.

If trace amounts of erucic acid and GMO’s leave you concerned, we suggest you try coconut oil or avocado oil instead:

  • Coconut oil is a satisfying option with heart-healthy fats and a nice mouthfeel. It contains a tri0 of healthy components – lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid, which are said to be beneficial for cholesterol maintenance, digestion and metabolism; and has antibacterial properties.

Avocado oil is rich in antioxidant nutrients, including glutathione which may help block potential viruses. It is rich source of mono- and polyunsaturated fats and may be suitable for cooking (depends on the processing and the brand). Avocado oil is excellent  in cold salads, salad dressings and marinades. Because of its mild flavor, it won’t overpower the flavor in your dishes.

The Morselist would like to add:

Avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated fats like olive oil,

but it remains stable at high heat.  It’s tasty and high in

beta-carotene and lutein.

And fyi, FAT helps our bodies absorb nutrients from vegetables.

We don’t need a lot of fat, but we do need some, so DON’T be fooled into the

FAT FREE dressing options, as they contain much more sugar and other fake food like products, chemicals. Go for the REAL stuff and use moderately.

I like to toss my salad with dressing in order to ensure every leaf gets a drop rather than drizzling or dipping, more evenly dispersed for a MORSELICOUS meal.

A tip I discovered from is to pour your oil of choice into an

ice cube tray and infuse with your favorite herbs and freeze.

This way, you will always have a special oil to use in soup bases, stir fry bases,

any type of cooking base in the PERFECT portion size.

Lauren O’Connor 

Mo the Morselist


4 thoughts on “Nutso-Sweet Friday – canola oil vs. other oils”

    1. Good for you, Karen!
      Not learning the hard way part, but by implementing
      What you’ve learned.
      How can you NOT love avocados?
      My dream is to have an avocado grove on my patio! 🙂

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