Food & Medicine

“Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” -Hippocrates

Just think about this quote.

Some skeptics argue, “All this talk about food affecting health is such mumbo jumbo!! Gimme MORE fatty filled gumbo!”

I know…me with the silly rhymes. What can I say?

These same skeptics believe our “what you put in your body” healthy lifestyle choices are just passing fancies. A FAD.

Was Hippocrates a Pioneer or just part of his “Pop” culture? I think we all know the answer.

So, let’s consider his philosophy that food can be our medicine when we choose our meals, snacks, desserts. The more mindful we are about what we put into our bodies, the better off we will be, no matter what. Right?

A friend of mine recently started a Vegetarian Diet including fish for her entire family per her Doctor’s “prescription.” He told her, “Look, just try it. It can’t hurt. We’ll re-evaluate in a few months.” She’s cooking more at home, eating tons more fresh veggies, fruits, almost NO processed foods, bought a bread maker, and having fun creating meals.

“It’s more of a family event now rather than just plopping down fast junk to gobble down.”

Crockpots make healthy cooking easy in this day and age of our crazy schedules. Planning ahead and freezing. Lots of hearty salads and getting EVERYONE involved to help wash, cut, chop does make mealtime more fun and can start a discussion about where our food really comes from.

Just my thought for today…or the weekend.. or better, try it for the week and I’ll bet some of you stick to using food as your medicine rather than stocking up on capsules & pills at your local Over-the-Counter-Drug Store.

INVEST in your health...NOT drugs that often merely mask what we wouldn’t need to be taking if we were eating the right foods.*

The savings on those alone will allow us to spend a little more on higher-quality food.

Merely consider and please share your comments.

I am humbled by many of you…

Have a Morselicious Weekend & honor Hippocrates  for his incredible foresight and amazing gifts!


*Disclaimer: I’m NOT suggesting to STOP taking your prescribed medication, just

making healthier food choices to help avoid with certain Over-the-Counter

Antacids, etc.  My boyfriend used to take antacids after EVERY meal and now

that he’s eating healthier, he doesn’t even BUY the antacids any more.

3 thoughts on “Food & Medicine”

  1. A great reminder that the types of foods we chose to put into our bodies can make a difference. I hate to say “you are what you eat”, but the truth comes clear – in days, weeks…and most noticeably in years following.

    I saw a great episode on Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution where he brought in ‘older, wiser’ people who’ve lived to reflect upon their poor food choices (and bad eating habits) and are now san’s limb(s) and/or morbidly obese suffering many health complications incl. heart disease and diabetes.

    Yes, “Food is your Medicine” and the right choices can keep you happier, more energized and healthier now and down the road. And no better time to start focusing on a healthier body than now!!

  2. You’re comment: Invest in your health is spot on. We really are what we eat! Making a commitment to a healthy diet and physical activity (ie YOGA!!) would go a long ways in reducing illness and disease!

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