Dare to do…

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

Play with this idea and consider what you would attempt to do.

Mac-n-Mo’s Tuesday Tip O’ the day:

What is the absolute worst-case scenario if you actually did attempt your “crazy” dream?

Refer to my favorite handbook: The worst-case scenario survival handbook [Book]

(Order one now, it puts most everything in perspective and EVEN outlines a step by step  HOW TO LAND A PLANE in case of emergency!) Now that’s planning ahead!

Is it really that horrible? Scary? Silly?

Why not take baby steps towards doing? And for you, Mega Daring Morselites, take one leap of faith today. It could be as simple as finding a schedule of classes in that Language Class you’ve been contemplating. Or as daring as signing up for a Trapeze Class at your Local Circus School.

Remember, there are always safety nets.

Mac-n-Mo’s Tip O’ the day: Face your fears

Whatever you decide, have fun and dream big!  Once you’ve allowed yourself to dream big, DO something bigger.

Whatever it is, it’s up to you. Someone’s skydiving attempt can be another’s Writing Workshop Enrollment.

Enjoy & please post your comments!

Who wants to be President?

9 thoughts on “Dare to do…”

  1. Great article, Mo! One of the most important thoughts for me in what you’ve written is to remember that it starts with baby steps. It is easy to get too overwhelmed to move when you look at the whole dream and think you have to do it all at once. Thanks for the reminder. Keep’em coming!

  2. For me it would be spy-rigging. You’re hooked on a line dangling from a helicopter & just as you touch down you release…if you’re off a second or two, you’re toast! Can you imagine the view? That’s what I would do.

  3. I actually have that book – I picked it up through my neighborhood Freecycle. It’s definitely not your everyday life manual. I just hope I can remember how to deal with a bear while I’m living in the NYC metro area, for that one time that I make it into nature…will I have my wits about me to recall the information and act?

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