Excavate,embrace & express change…

What if you made a pact with yourself to make an attempt..just an attempt to try something new every week?

Making a fun game out of it is how I proceed i.e. each month, I pick a letter from the alphabet, for example, it’s March (National Nutrition Month) and I chose the letter N. Each week, I pick a new challenge I want to accomplish or at least attempt: this week was NURTURE.  Nurturing my body, mind & soul. Sound a bit pansy wansy?  Sorry.  I needed to work in this area.  Nurturing my body from a food perspective is easier for me than my mind & soul.  My comfort zone is over-scheduling myself until pure exhaustion leaves me like an overcooked wilted noodle.  Thus I have made a pact to nurture myself.  This week, at least, hoping it will stick.

Change is always a challenge. It is also exciting and rewarding.  So far, I have taken a walk around a lovely park embracing the Cherry Blossoms in bloom, attempted meditation, and made an appointment for a massage. All nurturing activities. Next week, I will choose another N-word.  Any suggestions? Once a week, pick something to focus on changing. If that seems daunting, how about once a month?

52 changes a year or 12 changes a year?  Either one is rewarding & noteworthy.  Excavate what changes you’d like to make. Embrace and express by doing.  Please share your experiences.

P.S. I just challenged myself this morning. We received a bag of oranges from a friend’s tree and while I usually mix Organic berries or apples into my Greek Yogurt for breakfast, I decided to”walk my talk” and try mixing an orange into my yogurt. I must admit, it did NOT sound appetizing, but I was pleasantly surprised..quite tasty!

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